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I came accross this while doing school assignment on charles darwin, yes the same charles darwin that convinced the scientific community of the occurrence of evolution.


Long story short the charles darwin awards is given to tho who died by a stupid cause, for example this case was placed 2nd in the 05 darwin awards -

"(13 January 2005, Croatia) One fateful afternoon, 55-year-old Marko retreated to his semi-detached workshop to make himself a tool for chimney cleaning. The chimney was too high for a simple broom to work, but if he could attach a brush to a chain and then weigh it down with something, that would do the trick. But what could he use as a weight?


He happened to have the perfect object. It was heavy, yet compact. And best of all, it was made of metal, so he could weld it to the chain. He must have somehow overlooked the fact that it was also a hand grenade and was filled with explosive material.


Marko turned on his welding apparatus and began to create an arc between the chain and the grenade. As the metal heated up, the grenade exploded. The force of the explosion killed poor Marko instantly, blasting shrapnel through the walls of the shed and shattering the windshield of a Mercedes parked outside. Marko's chimney was untouched, however. "


ps. sorry if i was the only person who didnt kno about this already:D


other events include "death by lavalamp", "death by vomiting home made liquor on fireplace" and more found on http://www.darwinawards.com/


the one i most remember is the one about the guy who ripped open his scrotum attempting manual stimulation with an industrial sander and stapled shut the wound. the staples rusted and he got an infection. needless to say, he only got an honourable mention.


the most painful would b a guy who was really annoyed by this chicken waking up everytime when he sleeps, and 1 nite he had a dream where he strangled the chicken to death, so he went out there to kill the chicken with a knife and accdently cut off his testicals, which the dog ate :D , hes not dead but he cnt reproduce no more


i remember where a father and son were fighting and the father gave the son a knife and told him to stab him if he hated him so much. the son stabbed his father right in the heart.


I love Darwin Awards.


"Commemorating those indivuduals who ensure the long-term survival of our species by eliminating themselves from the gene pool in a sublimely idiotic fashion."


I was quite fond of the farmer who slept with a loaded shotgun, and during the middle of the night one of his sheep kicked the shotgun and blew the farmer's brains out. :D


I always enjoyed the one where these rednecks drove out to this field with their dog to light sticks of dynamite and throw them. Big boom, great fun. Anyway, they lit a stick of dynamite and threw it, and the dog thought they were playing fetch so he ran and got the stick like any good dog would. So, the rednecks freak out and throw rocks at the dog and scream at him to try to keep him away or make him drop the dynamite. Well, all that did was scare him and he ran to hide under their truck.


I can't remember if anyone other than the dog died.

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