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Black Holes project HELP!

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Hey I have a presentation due soon that is geared towards stars but my topic is black holes and some questions are hard to find information on because the questions are geared towards starts no bla ck holes. Here are the three questions I need help with:


-What are the stages of a black hole?


-what elements are black holes made of?


-What do black holes create?(elements/forms of radiation)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

---thanks GR

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1) put VERY simply Stages of stars -> star callapses -> black hole

2) Not really a physically real question, you can talk about what the star was made of before calapse but they often calapse into a neutron star first and they're not made of atoms...

3) Hawking radiation is the only theoretical one I know of there are quite proabbly other theories.

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I would like to extend upon some of the a answers given by Klaynos is I may :)


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1) I agree with what you have said 100% but I thought I would extend the answer a bit.


I shall skip the formation of the star because it has no use here :)


When a star reaches middle life the two main forces that control it, the internal fussion trying to drive the star appart and gravity trying to crush it in.

A problems comes when the star starts to run out of fuel, thisleads to a reduction in the internal forces of thestar and gravity pulls it inwards.


Depending on the mass of the star a number of things can happen, irstly it canbe crushed down to a white dwarf, his is what the Sun will form. Its a star that has been compressed down to the size of the Earth(?) and its help from compressing further by a force known as electron pressure, the electrons repell and stop it being crushed any further.

If the star is bigger the electron pressure will not be sufficient to stop the collapse, and the electrons will be driven into the protons forming neutrons and thus forming a neutron star which is about the size of a city. This star is held from colapsing by the neutrons.


How ever should the star be be bigger still the neutrons will be unabe to stop the collapse and the star will shrink smaller and smaller causing itsdensirt to increase exponentionally. As this happens the space time curvature becomes so great that the star "seals" its self off from space and time leaving only a black star.


Talk about a horror story!


2) what elements are black holes made of?


As Klaynos said this question is useless. The matter at its heart (the singularity if you can cal it matter) is infinatly dense and infinatly small, space and time also mattr as we know it do not exist... this question is useless for this case. The black hole its self is basically a space time curvature so its also not made of anything.



3) Nothing to add here, as far as I know what Klaynos is the only possible way to get things from a black hole. There should also be gravitational waves from its formation and the merging of two holes but thats about it. Anything that goes in does not come out :)




Ryan Jones

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