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a recent contact explained that it is possible to create a "radon gun"using the radioactive components of a fire alarm, and i know that the government monitor the sale of fire alarms, anyone got instructions on the creation or more info about this?it is a general interest, i dont plan to create one, radioactive material is generally avoided by me


You mean ion chamber smoke detectors, presumably not the loud clanging bell that indicates a fire alarm has been triggered. I'm not sure, but I think it's only America that uses those particular ones (possibly Australia). I'm not sure it could be converted into a radon gun.


yeah detectors, in this country(scotland) radioactive material is present in smoke dectors, bimetallic strips are also used but only in commercial and industrial buildings. im not sure, i thought it was a gamma emitter, but then again, would that be safe in a house?i found out 200 of these detectors are needed, hmmm the source would probably decay before i collect enough


I think it is a decayed isotope, something that is a by product of nuclear energy production. Amercainum, americanim, something like that. It is quite stable for a few years, although there are only v small amounts. The older models, and industrial models, will have larger amounts of the isotope.


Still no idea how you could use it to create a raydon gun.


it`s Am 241 (Amercium) the isotope used, my slugs are .7 micro curies, dude, if you`ll excuse the crude expression, yer pi$$ing in the wind!

it wont even cause flashes in scintilation counter with sodium iodide base! (I tried Zinc suphide too).

didn`t mean to rain yer parade her, but all seems futile with regards to this isotope, anything other than fire alarms anyway.

they don`t even sell the Thorium based gas mantles anymore :(

it`s Cerium based now, a little less bright, still a Lanthanide, but not an isotope, same stuff used in lighter flints.


btw, it`s Neptunium used to make Am241 isotope :)


I think YT just answered my question, but i was going to ask---- couldn't these types of smoke detectors cause cancer?


Now that i'm thinking about cancer, what exactly is it in cell phones that can cause cancer? Could my computer cause cancer? (what does a cellphone got that a computer hasn't?, and a computer is biggger!)


cell fones work in the near microwave region, as you may know the higher the frequency the highr the quantum energy per packet (photons) also has differing penertrating powers too but that`s almost irrelevent in this case.

the Am241 could conceiveably cause skin cancers if placed on the body for a significant length of time (weeks).

cell fones though EM radiation and at a much lower frequenct could also do the same, but cell fone RF penetrates deeper, but has less quantum energy per packet, so it`s a trade off really.

you`de much less likely to get cancer from a cell fone than a Am241 slug, but if you did, it would be deeper, Am241 would almost certainly cause it after several months topical exposure 24/7 or if ingested, but it would remain a local or surface cancer.

hope that answers some of it for you? :)

NavajoEverclear said in post #8 :

Now that i'm thinking about cancer, what exactly is it in cell phones that can cause cancer? Could my computer cause cancer? (what does a cellphone got that a computer hasn't?, and a computer is biggger!)

A computer, monitor etc. are designed to keep the radiation inside. (away from you and other devices)

Why is a cell phone not shielded?

Shielding a cell phone would make it lose its basic function (communicate) :)




yeah sure, a fatter head may only create cancer on the other side of your ear instead of in your brain.... Naaaah.


comp monitors work on a diff frequecy also, about the 17k mark and could in no way cause problems, the CRT device was sheilded by law in the mid 70`s (1976 ot 77) radiation act with loads of sub clauses etc... (boring! ZZzzzzzz....).


but in a nutshell, yer monitor`s quite safe, and if ya don`t eat the Am241 slugs in fire alarms, you`ll be quite safe too :))

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