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I know that Einstien said that light speed was impossible to break. But I've got a challenge for everyone here. FIND A WAY. lol. I'm not sure of his exact words but I know many people believe it is impossible because it is impossible to substane life at such speeds. But what would happen if you could shift a body into a complete energy form. Then how about if you switch the person back to matter even before the full transfer of matter to energy can be completed? Is this even remotly possible? If not post any and all Idea's of how to reach Warp speed here.


Notice I said reach it, not survive it.


Matter cannot travel at the speed of light, as it would require infinite energy to accelerate. Its impossibility has nothing to do with surviving it. A "shift to complete energy" is basically teleportation, which requires basically annihilating a person and recreating him elsewhere. No, we don't know if that's remotely possible.


The only theoretically possible way to do this is sort of cheating, in that it's not actually travelling at light speed. Rather, it depends on "wormholes," or "shortcuts in space," that depend on spacetime sort of folding over on itself, making the shortest distance between two points not actually a straight line. As an analogy, think of a piece of paper with two dots on it. The paper is 3D space, the dots are your starting point and destination. The quickest way to get from one to the other is a straight line, right? Well, maybe. You could also fold the paper such that the two dots are right on top of one another. If you could travel across the fold, you wouldn't have to go faster than light (which is impossible), but you could still travel to distant points far faster than light moving in ordinary space could.


Well yes I've heard that one to.



But there are theories which involve a energy type of dimention. Called Hyperspace. In theory speed is unlimited in Hyperspace.


See the thing is if (using that anology of yours) the paper is space. And in order to get from one dot to another u need to bump past all the other atoms in that paper. Well instead of folding the whole space time continuem just punch a hole through it. By doing so, if a Hyperspace does exist, it would be as if you jumped in a pool of very slippery gells. So in essence it could be possible. Even if it is so far fetched.



Anther thing is, I believe that there is something faster than light speed. 2X lighspeed or Warp 2, well the object isn't really traveling faster. But it's like cheat code. If the fastest anything can travel is light speed this would work. Why not accelerate light in one dirrection at light speed then excelerate the rest of space in the opposite direction. Again using that analogy, move the paper in the opposite dirrection of the way your pencil is moving. This no matter how improbable could be possible.


if you could warp space negatively in front of the vehicle and positively behind, it could travel faster than light relative to another object, but it would still be travelling subluminal relative to spacetime.


If you can freeze time you may be able to travel at light speed, although you'll still physically remain stationary, releative to everything else...


If what I remember is correct you can't travel faster then light (via warp drive I mean here) because the actual bubble its self would cut the ship in half.




Ryan Jones

if you could warp space negatively in front of the vehicle and positively behind, it could travel faster than light relative to another object, but it would still be travelling subluminal relative to spacetime.


This method is also called Hyperdrive (according to my Science of Science Fiction proffesor.)

If what I remember is correct you can't travel faster then light (via warp drive I mean here) because the actual bubble its self would cut the ship in half.


Cheers' date='


Ryan Jones[/quote']

what would cut it in half?


what is going on in theory is that the spacetime in front is being shrank and the spacetime in back is being expanded. this makes the distance to travel shorter and it gives it a bit of a push.


OK here is what I remember reading.


Do do this you would need to project some sort of negative eergy field - it was proven that the bubble its self could go through the ship inn effect splitting the ship in two.


Weather it is true or not is another question but thats what it said.




Ryan Jones


I can't help but to wonder something: if you warp space to basically have an amplification effect of overall speed, to make the most out of your velocity, how would a ship look that was flying by in warp, but really really really really slowly.


You'd be able to funk with space warpwise and then say, use a very tiny manuvering jet for propulsion, going an overall 4 km/h when normally you'd be going 0.5 km/h without the warp drive.


Also, what happens if the space ahead of you is filled with say, water or gas? You'd have to move through 4x the density, and behind you would be 1/4 the density...would the warping itself cause a pressure region in front of the vessel that would make the water want to push out and into normal spatial areas where the pressure was normal until it hit equilibrium?



Additionally, if you expanded a warp field to stretch space, would a magnetic field expand to follow the stretched contours of space, or maintain its normal size and shape, over the same size but what is really a smaller region of space?

Do do this you would need to project some sort of negative eergy field - it was proven that the bubble its self could go through the ship inn effect splitting the ship in two.

With about as much dmage to the ship as having it in a gravitational field. Gravity is the warping of space and if you had a negative gravity filed behind the ship (pushes it away) and a positive gravity infront of ther ship (pull it towards it), this is the effect of the "warp drive" on the ship. The ship will effectivly be in free fall.


One thing I've always wondered about (courtesy of E.E. "Doc" Smith's Lensman series) is inertialess drives.


If the mass has no inertia, then it no longer requires infinite energy to accelerate it near lightspeed. It could also stop instantly.


Whether such a thing is possible or not and how you would achieve it if it was possible, I have no idea. (Also thinking about how an inertialess object would act makes my brain hurt.:D )


even if mass had very little inertia, it would still require a good amount of energy to travel faster than light. right? im a star trek finatic, i love it when people talk about their technology. they have something called inertia dampaners. weather this is possible to make, i have no clue. but i think the main problem would be to genorate enough energy.

correct me if im wrong, but an inertialess object would probably have extreamly smooth movments. changing speed or direction expirencing little to no phyical stresses.

i think about this stuff all the time. :D

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