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I am currently doing a literuature search trying to understand how the ethylene response during the ripening of fruit initiates the production of volitiles.


I have found several different studies on tomatoes, melon, arabidopsis, and other fruit. But I have yet to see any proposed pathways that the ethylene response triggers.


Does anyone know a good reference?




I need much more than just a general encyclopedia.


I'm not entirely sure what you're asking


Insert smartmouthed response about answering things you don't know here:)

Herpguy' date='


I need much more than just a general encyclopedia.




[sub']Insert smartmouthed response about answering things you don't know here[/sub] :)

What? :confused: Wikipedia always helps me, and you said you wanted a reference, so I gave you Wikipedia.

But I have yet to see any proposed pathways that the ethylene response triggers.

The encyclopedia answered that.


Wiki's just a brief synopsis of many different extremely complex subjects. If you a lookin for a very basic understanding of a subject it is a valuable resource. But if you are looking for a more detailed anaylisis you really need to delve into the literature (i.e. scientific journals etc.)

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