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Some questions.

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Are Hypnopompic hallucinations common in people who don't do drugs and don't have any pyscholgical illnesses?

Also is it possible to experience a highly vivid hallcination without drugs, high fever, or illness? (I'm not talking about a short, mild hallcination or olfactory (smell) and/or gustatory (taste) hallcination. I'm talking about a full blown hour long auditory,visual, and tactile hallcination.) I've read that people that do harder drugs can experience hallcinations that include a feeling of bugs or things crawling under their skin or that their flesh has a hot burning like sensation. I also need to know if that can happen without drugs, high fever, or mental illness.

don't ask why I need to know this, I just need to know.

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According to wikipedia..it's considered a normal phenomena.


Psychological research has argued that hallucinations may result from biases in what are known as metacognitive abilities. These are abilities that allow us to monitor or draw inferences from our own internal psychological states (such as intentions, memories, beliefs and thoughts). The ability to discriminate between self-generated and external sources of information is considered to be an important metacognitive skill and one which may break down to cause hallucinatory experiences.

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