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we`ve just moved into a new house from an appartment on the 12`th floor, now we hear all sorts of Bird sounds that we didn`t hear up there, In particular a Sparrow (maybe has a nest?) right next to our bedroom window in the eves, and every morning at about 7:30 to 8:30 it`ll sing/chirp constantly and then stop silent for the rest of the day (as far as I know), but if the weather`s bad, there`s no song?

when it`s good it`s always an hour long give or take a few mins either side, then nothing.


What is it doing? and Why ?


I've always heard that bird song is mainly for establishing territory, which birds need to do for a variety of reasons. Proclaiming sex and availability, scaring off enemies, maintaining bonds with their mates and offspring, that sort of thing.


The regular patterns, especially in the morning, are probably a warning to others that "this nest is mine, approach at your peril". Maybe there's no need in bad weather because no birds encroach when the winds are high or it's raining.


Aye, singing birds are performing all sorts of nifty interactions with eachother, which kinda go out the window on days when birds are more focused on simply getting what they need and getting back home to snuggle up and conserve their energy and warmth.




i believe chirping sounds deal more with communicating information, and singing is for mating. i would tend to think as it is springtime you have a bird who's trying to attract a mate. i'd look to see if there is a completed nest near you, i can't remember exactly but i think sparrows will first build a nest, then begin singing as if to say ' hey i'm available and i even have a house ready to go.'

say don't that sound not to different from a lot of people.


mr d


Thnx each, and as for the nest, I CAN hear scratching and tap tap tap sounds like hopping around in my roof/attic area close to the eves of the window (it`s half skylight), that internal sound is a few hours before any song and chirping though (probably making a coffee and some toast 1`st!) and sometimes just after sundown.


I`de go up and have a look, but I don`t want to scare it and have it leave, I enjoy having it here as much as it obviously likes being here :)

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