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Does anyone here record their lectures?

Pavlov's Dog

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I am considering recording my lectures onto a digital recorder. My classes take place in a 300-person lecture hall and I was wondering how well the teacher's voice is actually recorded. Also, how far from the teacher can these things be placed and still make decent recordings? Any recommendations? Thanks.

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Althought I've considered it many times, I've never actually done it. Mainly due to the fact that I probably won't sit down and listen to it again. Depending on the professor's voice, the quality of your recorder, you could probably pick up a recording about half way up the auditorium. To be safe, I'd sit close to the front though. Let me know how it goes.

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Yeah virtually all of the people who use recorders here sit in the front two rows, except in orgo where the professor wears a mic so the sound never drops off. But sit close to the front or close to a speaker if you have that setup.

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