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Dissociation of hydrogen

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Before to begin new theme, I would like to convey the pleasant news.

Recently young Russian physicist Sergey Polyschuk won the gold medal and premium of Russian Academy of Sciences for new theoretical developments in physics of nanoworld. The scientific work by Sergey is bounded with researching of ring energy elements of nanoworld.

For the extension of area of researches, the scientific chief of Sergey, Dr. A.Kushelev kindly has offered to include my themes from Science Forums and Physics Forums into the encyclopedia of nanoworld, as section of Polytronic Physics.

I thank all participants of forums, who shared in arguing my themes and helped in solution of my problems.


In this paper we demonstrate the alternate model of dissociation of hydrogen. This model guesses, that the atoms are constructed from vibrant energy rings of two types. The energy rings of the first type vibrate in radial direction and represent multi-frequency emitters of energy or radial polytrons. The energy rings of the second type vibrate in axial direction and represent multi-frequency stores of energy or axial polytrons.


Fig.1. Model of hydrogen atom at m=4

In fig.1 all four polytrons of hydrogen atom are shown. The atom of hydrogen contains two radial (red color) and two axial (blue color) polytrons. The number of vibrant segments in one polytron is named as the frequency order of polytron and is designated by the character m. All four polytrons in fig.1 are shown at the frequency order m=4.

The polytrons are joined one with another in nodes. Thus for each two joined rings three obvious conditions should be observed:

1) the Speed of energy in rings should have identical direction.

2) the Frequencies of own resonance oscillations in rings should be equal.

3) the Directions of transversal oscillations (polarization) also should coincide.

The exchange of resonance energy between polytrons happens in nodes.

Polytrons possess seven types of energy. One type of energy is defined by the value of speed of light in vacuum and is general for radial and axial polytrons.

Each type of polytrons possesses also three types of resonance energy.

Resonance energies of radial polytron:

1) Energy of tangential oscillations

Formula_Rt.gif (7-1)

2) Energy of radial oscillations

Formula_Rr.gif (7-2)

3) Energy of pulsations of radial dynamic layer

Formula_Rd.gif (7-3)

Resonance energy of axial polytron:

1) Axial component of energy

Formula_Az.gif (7-4)

2) Radial component of energy

Formula_Ar.gif (7-5)

3) Energy of pulsations of axial dynamic layer

Formula_Ad.gif (7-6)

From the vibration theory we know, that energy of resonance oscillations is proportional to quadrate of amplitude. In particular, we have found, that tangential energy of radial polytron is proportional to the total square of segments. The formula for calculation of this square looks like

Formula_Qr.gif (7-7)

In Fig.2 are shown the sequence of joining of two hydrogen atoms in the molecule, i.e. the process of associating of two hydrogen atoms is shown. In the left drawing both atoms occupy the energy level, which corresponds to the frequency order m=6. In these conditions the atoms cannot be associated in the molecule, as opposite of places of connection the antinodes of polytrons are placed. In order the atoms were capable to associate it is necessary, that opposite of places of connection the nodes of polytrons were located. The nearest frequency order, at which this condition will be fulfilled is m=12. Therefore, all eight polytrons should pass from the level m=6 to the level m=12 (see middle drawing).


Fig.2. The process of associating of two hydrogen atoms in molecule

At transition from m=6 to m=12 each hydrogen radial polytron radiates energy 1.113eV, that makes 7% from its full tangential energy. At the same time the full resonance energy of axial polytrons remains practically invariable (decrease makes ~0.001 %).

Thus, the total energy of emission from four radial polytrons will make



The molecule of hydrogen as a parallelepiped is unstable; therefore it become transformed to a octahedron (see right drawing) and radiates energy E3.

According to experimental facts, energy of dissociation of hydrogen molecule is 432.07 kJ/mol, that forms 4.478 eV/molecule.

Energy of geometrical transformation makes

E3=4.478-4.452=0.026 eV




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There's a lot to digest in the explanation and math but intuitivly it seems to make a lot of sense. I'm glad you started with hydrogen to keep it simple. Thanks for the glimpse of some great explanations to come.

Just aman

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Spasibo YT2095, Thanks aman!

I think, this theme can be developed in several directions: dissociation, structure of atoms, structure of gamma-quantums, etc.

But, at first, I would like to devote a little of time to the problem of oncological illnesses.

We well know, that oncological illness arise by reasons of destruction of DNA molecules (desoxyribonucleic acid). In particular, at irradiation by hard gamma radiation, probability of origin and heavy outcome of illness is almost 100 %.

The DNA molecules contain very many hydrogen atoms. According to my studying (unfortunately, very skin-deep), these atoms provide information link inside our organism. It is a very thin and hypersensitive way of link by means of exchange of signals with composite structure.

Look at figures 3, 4 and 5.


Fig.3 Left-spiral hydrogen atom


Fig.4 Structure of gamma-quanta


Fig.5 Violation of the helicity of hydrogen atom under impact of gamma-quantum

As distinct from visible light and ultraviolet, which cause a burn, gamma rays are capable to penetrate into substance much depth and to tear intermolecular links. The existing theory gives the rather foggy explanation to concept " intermolecular link ". Idea of exchange with imponderable virtual particles here is utilized. Therefore, according to this idea, gamma-quantums are capable to hit in virtual particles and to kill them. It is similar to complete bosh, whether the truth.

We consider, that the penetrability of photons and gamma-quantums depends on their transversal size.

In a fig. 5 the process of flying of gamma-quantum through atom of hydrogen is shown.

The gamma-quantum vary the helicity of atom. The false helicity is transmitted on a chain to other hydrogen atoms in the DNA-molecule and, as a result, the whole molecule passes into abnormal state.

Our idea consists in the following.

Whether it is impossible to find a gamma-quantums with such energy, which would restore atoms into normal state.

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Thanks again vlamir for the great study and descriptions. I see that gamma-quanta which travel at the speed of light would have to pass through the polytron at some undetermined trajectory to actually distort or damage the structure where the one you show for diagram purpose might be a stable pass through. The diagrams help very much.

The idea that gamma-quanta only need to pass through an area that is not symetricle to the path and the distortion can be calculated makes sense and collisions are not necessary for damage.

The damage sounds permanent though. Good luck with your ideas.

Just aman

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Now we shall pass to an explanation of the aforecited formulas.

You well see, that the first six formulas have the homogeneous factors before brackets. This is product of the electron mass and quadrate of speed of light.

It is energy.

Therefore, all other terms in the formulas are dimensionless.

On the first sight it seems, that here there are no problems.

However problem is, and this problem is the main hindrance to understanding of the structure of microcosmos and nanoworld.


Two phenomena, which underlay modern physical theories, are constructed on two fictions by scientists XIX and XX of centuries.

The first phenomenon is the dualism of wave and particle.

The second phenomenon is the transmutation of mass and energy.

The first fiction is the fundamental particle.

The second fiction is the formalism "mass".


If we shall eliminate both fictions from phenomena, then remains with reality:

Wave = Energy.


Thus, the electron mass in our formulas is a superfluous term.

Instead of the mass there should be some a wave property of microcosmos, and, maybe, of Universe.

This problem is not solved till now.


I think, this problem troubles many participants of forums.

So, for example, Michael F. Dmitriyev debates the theme " Particle-wave duality on a scale of light frequencies " in Physics Forums. His theme is closely interlaced with my theme.

I hope, that we can remove a veil of a fog above this problem.


The reason of our obstinate misunderstanding of the reality is, that training of man to any theories represents the targeted process of cultivating of stereotypes in consciousness and subconsciousness of the man.

It is the Pavlov's theory, which, it is necessary to tell, still never has yielded of failure.

I consciously speak, that it is zombeing of students. For students a lot of theoretical material give, and then require good knowledge its material. Complexity, multiformity and problemness of the experimental facts they should find out already after training-zombeing.

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A lot of out great advances in science have been made by proving the accepted belief was wrong. We need to keep teaching the accepted beliefs so they are widely known and more people have a chance of proving them wrong.

I think our major uncertainties are at both ends of the spectrum, the microcosom and macro and they are both fair game for us all once we know the basics.

The latest beliefs are sometimes wrong and waiting to be proven that way but they need to be looked at to make a proof that is more valid and sometimes easier to reach.

Its very encouraging to see mathematically supported ideas rather than solely intuitive.

I'm still trying to get my math back up to par but what I see is very interesting to follow.

Just aman

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To comprehend the truth it is necessary to have the heightened sensitivity of the truth and to live many years. It is difficult for combining. Good lucks.


Radius of the Earth was known ancient Hindus in V century B.C. (6239 km).

Ancient Chaldeans had almost the same value of radius of the Earth in VII century B.C..

But that fact is more surprising all, that the ancient Egyptians knew and had utilized this value at building before five thousand years B.C..

Our civilization has calculated radius of the Earth only in XIX century.

Maybe, my question will seem for you unexpected, but I want to know:

In what the mankind was guilty before the Creator?

Why he deleted all knowledge from memory of the subsequent generations?


If I am not mistaken, the following words belong to Bismarck:

" The Theory of revolution is written by the geniuses, the revolution is realized by the fanatics, and fruits of revolution are used by impostors ".

These words can confidently be referred as to Politics, as well as and to Science.


Maybe, we go by the same way?

Then, after five thousand years our CDs will be utilized by semi-barbarian boys as toys.


Now I want to look at the problem of formalism of the concept of "mass" on the other side.

I think, that the solution of the problem of mass it is necessary to search by comparison of mass with different sorts of energy. In this case, mass can be expressed, as speed of change of an amount of energy in the system and as speed of conversion of one sorts of energy into others.

All of us know, that there are two sorts of a mechanical energy - kinetic and potential. But physics for some reason have yielded to these different sorts of energy the identical unit of measurements - joule. One joule is an operation of force equal to one newton on length equal to one meter |J=N*m|.

We have fulfilled researches of resonance processes in classical (macroscopic) objects of the ring form and have found the equations, which can be applied to the description of processes of exchange of EM energy between atoms and conversion energy in atoms.

From these equations follows, that the dimensionality of electric charge |C| is equal to the square root of force multiplied on time |C~(N^1/2)*s| or |N~(C/s)^2|.

Agree with me, that physical nature of such dimensionality of electric charge we understand cannot. But dimensionality of energy expressed as |N*s| is possible to understand as operation of force in time, i.e. as operation without moving.

Let's designate operation (energy) with moving |El|~|N*m|, and operation (energy) without moving |Et|~|N*s|.

Then the ratio |El/Et|~v will have dimensionality of speed.

One of sorts of exchange of energy between atoms is the exchange by photons E=h*[nu]. Dimensionality Planck`s constant is |J*s|=|N*m*s|=|Et*m|, i.e. the Planck`s constant represents operation of photon on length commensurable with sizes of atom.

On the other hand, the identity |N~(C/s)^2| can be considered as quadrate of a variable charge, i.e. quadrate of the electrical component of wave.

From standard definition of kinetic energy


also follows, that the mass is formal concept. The mass can go into as into El, as well as, into Et. The change of kinetic energy happens at change of the ratio El/Et.


Maybe, someone will consider, that I offer to forget concept of "mass". It is not so. The concept of "mass" has helped us at creation of new mathematics very much. I offer to upgrade concept of "mass" and to express it by means of wave properties of the Universe.

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You have very interesting ideas vlamir and I hope you get published. When I read the first post I researched what you had submitted and in physics forums got a better understanding because that seems to be the place where your body of work is.

Since an electron is not an electron until we interfere and measure it, then the stable design of polytrons seems very possible for its normal existance. The relationships you describe for higher energy levels also falls into place.

I'm heading over to the dipole of speed to have a look.

PS. I love to give my opinions but take it for granted that I am probably #250 in line behind the most knowledgable people on this forum. Physics just has always been my personal passion.

Just aman

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One of methods of measurement of dissociation energy is the calorimetric method.

If you remember, the calorimetric method was applied for definition of equivalence of energy of mechanical motion and heat.

Since then it is accepted to consider, that the heat is the manifestation of chaotic moving of particles and collisions them with each other.

It is the aged-, aged-, aged-stereotype of understanding of nature of heat.

In beginning of mine thread " New interpretation of gravitational constant " I spoke:


I participate in forums long enough, therefore for me the judgement was formed, that the great theorists XIX and XX of centuries had made for us the path, which inevitably reduces everyone entering on it to fathomless pit of fallacies.

I invite once again to walk along this path and to look under legs very closely to find a place, where the path has turned to the pit."

It seems, nobody has accepted seriously this my invitation. It is pity.

The heat is not chaotic moving of particles.

The chaotic moving of particles is the method of transmission of heat from one object to another. Directly heat represents itself resonance oscillations of polytrons.

Look in fig. 5 once again.

Gamma-quantums have the electrical (polarized) component. This component is shown by numerous red arrows.

At flying of gamma-quantum through any polytron, it gives up a share of its electrical component to polytron. Depending on energy of the quantum and depending on which part of atom the quantum will hit, it is probably much variety of interactions.

You can switch on own imagination and write own script.

For me, the most important script is at which, as a result of absorption of portion of energy the polytrons pass to more low frequency of own resonance oscillations.

This script should be written by the mathematical language with the help of mathematical model, which we have offered to attention of a scientific public two years ago.

This mathematical model contains more than hundred equations.

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I can see how polytrons are symetric relative to single atoms or molecules but in an iron bar where electrons can travel influenced by a magnetic field and build voltage potentials, how does this effect the symetry of the polytrons?

Just aman

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