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If you have a web site with a long URL, you can buy a new domain and have it forwarded to the old URL. If your domain registrar provides domain masking, the visitor will not know the web site has a different URL unless he or she looks at the source code. For example, I own the domain http://www.destinypoems.com but the actual site is located at http://destinypoems.homestead.com.


My domain registrar's domain masking service works using a frame. The HTML code for http://www.destinypoems.com is:




<title>Destiny Poems</title>

<META name="description" content="A collection of poems written by Josh Abbott.">

<META name="keywords" content="Destiny Poems">


<frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">

<frame src="http://destinypoems.homestead.com" frameborder="0">

<frame frameborder="0" noresize>



<!-- m -->


Even though it has the META tags setup, could domain masking have an affect on my search engine positions?


"Probably not" is the short answer. Search engines are pretty advanced these days, and would almost certainly count the new domain as just being a link to the old one.

"Probably not" is the short answer. Search engines are pretty advanced these days, and would almost certainly count the new domain as just being a link to the old one.


Your right Dave it won't :)


Google, MSN, Yahoo etc. all have special source screens that prevent you doing just this.




Ryan Jones

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