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My answer to negative press concerning smoking


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Im fed up of having to buy cigarettes and getting that annoying guilt trip when i read the health labels plastered all over the packet - second hand smoke damages those around you, decreases fertility, leads to a slow and painful death, will kill you blah blah blah.


Smoking is cool. JAMES BOND DOES IT!!!

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Say it once and say it loud "I smoke and I'm proud"!! Well.....actually I'm not proud but I DO smoke.... yes yes, I know it'll kill me if malignant melanoma or bowel/colon cancer doesn't (I have red/fair hair and intestinal cancers run in the family) but I'm hooked, what can I say??

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And before any of you start lecturing....I'm probably more aware of the dangers than any of you, so don't bother. Nicotine is an incredibly strong addiction (stronger than heroine apparently) and not easy to kick. If it pleases any of the sanctimonious amongst you I'll probably die of lung cancer after I've filled the government coffers with a substantial amount of tax revenue from tobacco. Incidentally, don't you think fat people should be taxed on hamburgers and chips etc.? Seems only fair to me....I'm not fat but I'll be paying for fat people... and I'm led to believe that the tax revenue from smoking more than covers the health costs that smokers incur...unlike the health costs of fat people. But I'm sure someone out there will disagree!! The UK government gets a huge amount of revenue from smokers and I'm just curious to know what they spend it on....it runs into 10's (if not 100's) of BILLIONS.

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My wife and I are both smokers, I`ve been smoking over 25 years now and still enjoy a cig with a beer or after a big meal, It`s rare to never I get the flu or a cold, maybe once every 5 years or so (not sure if smoking`s the reason for that or genetics?)

but I feel healthy enough and other than a big dent in my wallet, there seems to be little ill effect? though I wish I`de never started in the first place, and would encourage anyone to never start because it is NOT good for you! and it WILL cause damage.

there`s my 2 cents worth :)

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Originally posted by YT2095

What on Earth could be more adictive than nicotine? other than maybe Pizza or a red hot Chicken Vindaloo :)


Good point, chicken vindaloo is highly addictive and the potency of its spice has not yet been proven not to encourage tumorous growth in the mouth and esophagus.


Several references have been made to James Bond's smoking habbit. Well the fact is that while the actor Pierce Brosnan is an avid cigar smoker, the character James Bond has been used as an engine for stifling film's romance with smoke. There was even an illuminated no smoking sign displayed in the car issued to him in Tomorrow Never Dies. He did light up a cigar in his newest movie however; of course, he was in Cuba at the time.


Irregardless, Brosnan did have this to say on the subject:


"I enjoy them. People give me fine cigars, and I enjoy sharing them with people who really appreciate a fine cigar. There have been times when I've gone out with business guys and smoked cigars, and they've been among the most pleasurable evenings I've had. Good cigars and good company. Hard to beat."


I, for one, cannot dissagree with him. I don't mind a nicely flavored cigar every once in a while with friends. A good glass scotch or spiced rum and a whiskey tipped cigar are beautiful things. Especially on those frosty northern nights, sitting in front of your fireplace, the wind whistling outside while you remain warm and comfy in the amber-lit, wood constructed lounge on your favorite easy chair. You take in a lungful of warm, rich smoke, delicately scented of caramel and cedar, and you exhale a fine plume of the best tasting mist money can buy. Truely a sensation reserved only for the enlightened.



I dunno about you people but I just convinced myself to take up cigar smoking right there. I mean, dayamn.

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fafalone said in post #16 :

Addictions are a plight of the weak.


That's definitely a factor when you're trying to give up a strong nicotine addiction.


It's not so much that nicotine addicts are weak people though - it's more like they're trapped by a morbid fear of being without the drug, and the weakness rears its head when you try to get over that fear. It's like the drug gets inside your defences, then turns them all off.


Everyone in that situation really just needs a little push to remind them they're stronger than that, but it's different for everyone.


Some people need a lot more convincing that their life will be better with more ready cash, no evil-smelling clothes and/or breath, better lung capacity, less rapidly-aging skin and -- possibly most importantly -- being able to say goodbye to the joyful fun of the constant "when and where the next cig will be smoked being foremost on the mind" experience.


All in all I'm glad I need no longer confess to being a smoker. YUK.

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Actualy I was only kidding about the pizza and vindaloo, but there is actual scientific evidence to support what you said:


"Good point, chicken vindaloo is highly addictive and the potency of its spice "


apparently (I`m sure Glider will put me right if I`m a bit off here), the hotness of the Chilis causes pain receptors to fire and the brain then releases endorphines.

these are the bodys natural pain killers and just as strong as Morphine or other Opiates, and equaly as addictive, I think it was 1`st discovered with these body builders that confessed to actualy getting "High" from a workout, it was the brain chems that did it :)

personaly, with regards to Chilis, I love them, I grow them, the`re even pleasing to look at and have a great smell too, even the not so hot ones so my "adiction" is partly psychological too.

I`de like to know why endorphines only work when you least expect them to though? it hardly seems fair that if you stub and break your big toe on the edge of the bed or something, it hurts like a real MOFO for weeks!

where`s the justice in that!? :)

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my grandmother found the nicorette stick things really helpful, however they are significantly more expensive than the gum from what I remember. the stick itself is a dew pounds and the cartridges are it takes are also a few pounds, so you could end up buying quite a lot of them.

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