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rocket fuel thread????


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The Anarchist Cookbook contains alot of dangerously inaccurate information. Never attempt to do the things it says. Everything in it has better ways to accomplish the purpose, so look into the best ways, because the ones in that book suck.

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The 3 types of fuel I gave you, are only any good for small rocket engines anyway, they cannot be scaled up in any way shape or form, beyond the specific impulse of the fuel. for Bigger rockets, you need ALOT of maths and science (and money). well beyond the scope of the home experimenteer in most cases.

as for the anarchist crapbooks, LOL, take it with a pinch of salt (not literaly), at best they`re just a waste of good chems and resources, to give you an idea, have a read through it, with a highlighter pen and see how many spelling mistakes you can find! and then apreciate that those mistakes aren`t just limited to words but numbers too! incl tempratures quantities etc... get the idea now? steer clear of any "advice" given in them. trust Google and use your noodle :)

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Mr L;

I agree, it is all a bit of moot point now, it`s all been resolved and sorted, this thread can be deleted as far as I`m concerned.

there`s 30+ posts, and the only post so far with even a LITTLE bit of science in it is #30, the rest seems mostly politics, politics IS important sure, but probably not thread worthy as something to keep here, except as a lesson to others with regards to controversial(sp?) info.

not to worry though, it all came out in the wash :)

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