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NB: Muck this up and your computer wont work. This is written for winXP.

NB2: This is a hidden system file found here: c:\boot.ini if you cannot see it then you cannot see either hidden or system or both files. Go to My Computer > Tools > Folder Options... > View tab and find the 2 options (one for hidden, one for "protected operating system files").


This post is how to make a custom boot screen:


If you create a 640 x 480, 16-bit, .bmp image and name it boot.bmp and place it in c:\windows\ and then add /bootlogo /noguiboot to the end of the boot.ini file then instead of seeing the winXP loading screen you'll see your 16-bit image.


Full explanation of above:


1) Create a 640 x 480, 16-bit, .bmp image and name it boot.bmp and place it in c:\windows\ so you have the file c:\windows\boot.bmp


2) Open boot.ini


Example (mine) original code:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect


3) Modify the boot.ini file adding /bootlogo /noguiboot


e.g modded boot.ini file:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="5614's modded winXP OS" /fastdetect /bootlogo /noguiboot


===Note, this is the downside, you can skip this if you wish but I suggest you read it!===

The downside to that is that when you do a Error Check (aka check disk or scan disk), you know when you see winXP loading and then it goes straight to a blue screen and starts checking your hard drive, well you never see that because it just stays displaying your image, which is annoying. I got around it by dual booting winXP with itself:


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="5614's modded winXP OS" /fastdetect /bootlogo /noguiboot
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect


So when the computer turned on I could either select 5614's modded winXP OS or Windows XP Home Edition, the first giving me my modded boot screen which I did normally and the 2nd was the proper Windows which I used if I had scheduled an Error Check.


Note the line timeout=5 that means that I have 5 seconds to chose one or the other, if I don't then it will automatically load the top OS, so in this case my modded one.


The stuff in the "" where I placed 5614's modded winXP OS can be replaced by any text you want, except more "s.

===End of extra note===


This site is good for all the things you can edit:



If you're not sure than post your original boot.ini and your proposed modded version and I'll look through and see if it should work.




Before modifying your boot.ini, id suggest


1/ making a backup copy of your unmodified boot.ini, and


2/ making sure that you have a boot disk, so that if anything goes wrong you can boot from the disk and replace your modified boot.ini with the backup.


Yes, just to reiterate the point:


If you decide you want to do this and break your computer in the process, don't come crying to us about it.


A little harsh, but I feel it needs to be said.


heh i set grub for three intentionally. it means my parents won't get confused by going into ubuntu. the reason its so secure is it takes my parents about 7 seconds to find any key at all on the keyboard.

So does this replace the Win add or does it just display before the system starts booting up, kind of like a grub bootloader immage?
It depends on how you edit it, you can do either.


If you add a second line which looks something like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="My 2nd OS" /fastdetect

then when you start up you will have to chose which OS to use, like dual booting, like a grub bootloader where you get to chose which OS to run.


If you add this:

/bootlogo /noguiboot

to the end of your boot.ini file as described in the first post (and you have a 640 x 480, 16-bit, .bmp image, named boot.bmp in the Windows directory) then you no longer see the Windows loading screen and you see your image instead.


If you currently only have 3 seconds to chose which OS to boot then editing the boot.ini file where it says timeout= would be an easy change. You can also change that another way by doing this:

Control Panel


Advanced tab

Startup and Recovery > Settings

At the top 'Time to display list of operating systems:'

Change that value.

OK > Apply > OK

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