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This is one of those ideas you think of when you're drunk, and go 'that's it!' then wake up the next day and go...errr how the crap would that work, and why is it needed.


Anyway, what I was thinking, if you have conservation of mass and energy, why not conservation of time, seeing as time has an intrinsic relationship with matter et.c


Our arrow of time is perceived due to entropy...disorder, but what if there was a second arrow of time pulling back to create order. The asymmetry would be in the favour of our perception of time...but the second arrow creates a state so there isn't complete chaos.


This is the kooky bit...consciousness is trying to attain order. Through the *evolution of our universe consciousness is an underlying algorithm that is fighting to create order...high energy chatoic states to uniform states. It's an intrinsic property of the universe as are the forces, and the geometry of space-time.


So consciousness is the opposite of entropy. As disorder continues we, through our knowledge, understanding and technology, will eventually break the assymetry to a perfect uniformed state. But as the two states of order and disorder have to be conserved for anything to exist, disorder will be realised and the whole thing starts over again.


La la la la laaa, I've posted stuff along these lines before...I was trying to think of it in the context of entropy.


*not to be confused with Darwins theory of evolution, it's the only word I could think of.


Time isn't conserved, but the spacetime interval (r2 - c2t2) is, in transformations between reference frames.


Well that puts a stop to that theory. I'm sure I'll be learning lorentz transformations next year...more education, less pseudo-babble, well lets hope so anyway.


You get conservation laws from symmetries. It's interesting what happens to our Galilean thought processes when the speed of light becomes a constant in all inertial frames of reference.


I totally know what Snail is getting at. It's the whole Extropian idea. But extropy increases with entropy as extropy cannot created by any other way than increasing entropy. Thus both extropy and entropy tend towards a maximum... and as the rate at which extropy is produced increases, so does the rate at which entropy is produced.


Yay, pseudoscience/protoscience... but certainly one better than anything sunspot has posted.


Thanks Bascule, I thought you'd see where I was coming from. I think it's very important to note that whenever someone has an idea such as I've posted, that you have to ensure the reader knows it's unsubstantiated. This is one of many ideas I have floating around in my head.


Now I'm studying seriously I've gone back to basics...so any way-out theories I may have are completely speculative, until I have the maths to back it up. People like sunspot...and I've done it in the past, jump in at the deep end, that's completely the wrong way to go about things.

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