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i am having a bit of trouble with this problem, as the course textbook has nothing on doing these problems using green's functions (all we have is a few slides of dodgey lecture notes)...


anyways... the problem..





so to start with, for part (a)


now from what i can gather, the BVP has a unique solution if and only if the corresponding HBVP (homogeneous boundary value problem)

y''=0, y(0)=0, y(1) = 0


has no solution other than the trivial one, y(x) = 0.



i guess then the associated HLDE (homogenous linear differential equation) needs to be solved...




y''(0) = 0


so we look for answers of the form


y(x) = Ax + B


then the left boundary condition (y(0) = 0 ) leads to

u(x) = Ax



is this the right way to go about things?



-Sarah :)


hmm ok, how does this look..?


for the 'appropritate Green's Function' for part (a):


The left boundary condition gives:


u(x) = x


and the right boundary condition gives:


v(x) = x - 1


so the wronskian = W(x) = uv' - u'v = x - (x-1) = 1


so u,v are linearly independent.


then the greens function is


[math] G(x,e) = x(\epsilon - 1) [/tex] for [tex] 0 \leq x \leq \epsilon [/math]


[math] G(x,e) = \epsilon(x - 1) [/tex] for [tex] \epsilon \leq x \leq 1 [/math]



So the solution to the associated boundary value problem with homogenous conditions is:


[math] y(x) = \int_0^1G(x,\epsilon)f(\epsilon)d\epsilon [/math]



so then is the solution to the orginal BVP something like


[math] y(x) = \int_0^1G(x,\epsilon)f(\epsilon)d\epsilon + A +Bx [/math]




this is where i think i get quite lost (maybe before here if i have already made a giant mistake somewhere! :P )

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