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does your DNA (nature) decide your future, or do your surroundings (nurture)?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. does your DNA (nature) decide your future, or do your surroundings (nurture)?

    • all nature
    • mostly nature
    • both
    • mostly nurture
    • all nurture

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I remember debating this in my highschool psychology class! There is no point really, I think everyone knows it's both. There is a study in the book "Genone"(I think) that did a test with seperated twins, and it turned out that even if the twins were seperated and put into totally different enviroments they were still basically the same in both intelligence and attitude. I think the test concluded that it was about 60% nature and 40% nurture.


which is it? nature or nurture?

we know that genetics tell a lot about us, and i mean a lot, but does that mean that nurture has no effect?


if we clone an early embryo and insert the two (original and clone) into different mothers, will they grow up looking exactly the same? will they have the same personalities? will they have the same IQ?



P.S. i hope this deosn't bring up anything too controvertial...


well, i personally think that nurture has alot of influence, and i mean alot ;)


Seriously, the environment that we are exposed to plays a major role in how we think, what we think about, how we react to stuff, what we are and are not interested in, what we fear, what we love, what we are alergic to, ect.


There are just FAR to many variables involved in the world for nature to play a the only role, or even the only major role.


Just my opinion. :D


"does your DNA (nature) decide your future, or do your surroundings (nurture)?"


a little misleading really, DNA does decide your future with regards to physical atributes (hair color, eyes, predisposition towards cancer et...).

and your surroundings surely decide your future also, working with extreme radiation whilst exposed will decide your future pretty quick!

so BOTH really :)


I ignored "will they grow up looking exactly the same?" and assumed that "will they have the same personalities? will they have the same IQ?" was the actual question.




well, even for "will the grow up looking exactly the same" the answer must be no. Or at least it is not a garantee. One kid may have more scars, for one thing. Nurishment might have an efffect on hieght. Stuff like that will change wether they look exactly the same

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