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Who would win in a fight?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win in a fight?

    • Spiderman
    • Batman

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Forget physics or trying to end world hunger. The real debate is about this subject. I definitly say Spiderman.


oh and yes, i have abolutlely NO life.


Agreed.. No super powers. I like his car in batman begins though. Awesome. And his butler is cool. Spiderman has no butler :(


Batmans superpower is money, and I really like that in a superhero. Plus, Batman is really smart, and spiderman really isnt. Spiderman wins his battles only because he can beat his villains to a pulp before they can beat him, but he really doesnt have any tact at all (remember in the Spiderman movie where bus is falling off a bridge and Spiderman has to hold on to it? he manages to save his girlfriend and the bus at the same time only because he's spiderman and benchpresses buses in his spare time). Batman would really easily find a way to use Spidermans powers against him.


Example: Spiderman has spidysense, so Batman says "what if I build a decoy of myself and fill it with explosives". So Batman sends his decoy after Spiderman, it trips Spidermans spidysense, he takes the bait and BOOM! Deader than Boris the Spider ever was.


Batman: 1.

Spiderman: 0.



Oh, and I thought this was funny:



see spider mans spydesense helps him against danger and all that. So hell his spyde sense will tingle when a bait of bat man full of explosive comes to him.

secondly spider man can tangle him in his web.

But looking at that site.. i think that wolverine(x men) can beat both of them coz he has awesome healing powers.



see spider mans spydesense helps him against danger and all that. So hell his spyde sense will tingle when a bait of bat man full of explosive comes to him.

secondly spider man can tangle him in his web.

But looking at that site.. i think that wolverine(x men) can beat both of them coz he has awesome healing powers.

Wolverine is even more vulnerable than spiderman, because if you remember from the X-men movie, Magneto completely incompassitated Wolverine by taking advantage of his very magnetic adamantium skeleton.


So Batman calls up Magneto and says "hey buddy, if you do me a favor, I'll do you a favor in return". So Batman uses his only superpower, money, to bail Magneto out of prison, or just higher Johnny Cochoran to argue at Magneto's next appeal, then Magneto floats Wolverine in the air where he's perfectly harmless until Batman decides to dump a truck full of cement on Wolverine where he's entombed forever.


Batman: 2.

Wolverine: 0.

  deluded babe said:
Plus, Batman is really smart, and spiderman really isnt
Spiderman is a genius! He made all sorts of complex devices and frequently employs science and nerdy math strategies to beat them baddies' collective asses! He just doesn't have the resources to build the kinda snazzy stuff ol' bruce can afford. And spiderman can actually keep a girl interested for more than one mission... two in fact
Spiderman is[/i'] a genius! He made all sorts of complex devices and frequently employs science and nerdy math strategies to beat them baddies' collective asses! He just doesn't have the resources to build the kinda snazzy stuff ol' bruce can afford. And spiderman can actually keep a girl interested for more than one mission... two in fact


Gotta agree with Azure, here.


Batman keeps a steel plate over his stomach to protect himself.


Spider silk is stronger then steel.

  -Demosthenes- said:
How can batman win, seriously? He has no super powers. He might be cooler, but when it comes to brute fighting ability the spider will defeat the bat. :P

spiderman is just a wimpy girly emo nerd. Batman is a hardcore kickarse rich super-genius who has the best toys! Batman pwns spidey

  yourdadonapogos said:
spiderman is just a wimpy girly emo nerd....


until he puts on the suit, obviously, then he becomes a crime-fighting, sexy stud muffin superhero.


When Batman puts on the suit, he becomes a metrosexual.

  ecoli said:
until he puts on the suit, obviously, then he becomes a crime-fighting, sexy stud muffin superhero.

don't you mean a wimpy girly emo nerd in spandex?

  ecoli said:
When Batman puts on the suit, he becomes a metrosexual.
DOn't forget that batman doesn't even HAVE a real life, the bruce wayne crap is more like some thin coverup for the real him, batman is just a brooding mopey man who can't get over his past and is trapped in a pit of rage-empowered depression.


Spidey on the other hand struggles to keep a real life and just be peter whenever possible. His childhood was certainly as traumatic as batman's, but he at least TRIES to be upbeat about it in general. I find him more relatable.


... plus he has a wife/girlfriend more often than not and doesn't live with an elderly manservant and an orphan boy in tights.


Batman has actual skills, not some cheap spider bit me magically I'm rad awesome and don't have to cut myself anymore powers like spidey.

  JustStuit said:
Batman has actual skills, not some cheap spider bit me magically I'm rad awesome and don't have to cut myself anymore powers like spidey.
That's one good point, unlike nearly ALL other superheroes, batman had to work for his fighting ability.


However, Spidy actually had to fight to build a real life for himself and hold onto it. Batman just had all his resources handed to him in a tidy inheritance. So where batman had one major disadvantage, he got one major one that put him ahead of many others. Without that, he's just chuck norris without a gun and with better looks. And you have to admit, spiderman had much less handed to him than other heros *disgusted cough* superman *cough*.




One question, where is all this emo talk coming from? since when has spiderman been anything other than a happy-go-lucky cornball joker? Sure in the beginning he was a bit whiny, but who wouldn't be in his situation? Batman had NEVER stopped whining! He utterly stopped trying and escaped real life in favor of a grimly near-goth alter-ego.


This thread is obviously a metaphor for the debate over Nietzsche's concept of the will to power in opposition to the nature/nurture argument.


Batman is the superman, the ubermensch, and as such choosing Spiderman is just an expression of the author's embedded belief in a system which tells individuals that they fail because they lack some gift, some artificial crutch, a system which indoctrinates its young to believe that only those who are predetermined, or lucky, can strive to be the best; is it any coincidence that the vast majority of these "super heroes" (for they are not mere "men") arise form America, a country which represents itself as a meritocracy, yet only uses this to twist perceptions, to make its populace believe the truth of that statement when the reality is more of an unbalanced system than even feudal Europe.


Plus Batman beat Superman in Alan Moore's The Dark Knight Returns, and Superman's a lot tougher than Spiderman.


They both seem pretty gay to me, Maybe they wouldn't fight each other.


But if its 80's cartoon series spiderman....No doubt spidey wins. That guy was just friggin cool.


*sings spider-man theme*

  JustStuit said:
Batman has actual skills, not some cheap spider bit me magically I'm rad awesome and don't have to cut myself anymore powers like spidey.


just because he had to work for his powers doesnt mean that he woulded get his ass handed to him in a fight.

Spiderman wins his battles only[/i'] because he can beat his villains to a pulp before they can beat him


To be honest, that's a pretty good tactic.


My vote goes to spidey.

  -Demosthenes- said:
How can batman win, seriously? He has no super powers. He might be cooler, but when it comes to brute fighting ability the spider will defeat the bat. :P


LOL...get out of here! He's got TECHNOLOGY MAN!


A Batcar, Batcave, Batgrrl!!


Batarang, Batcycle, Batcomputer, Batbaseball...errr never mind that one.


Plus batman has lost his softer side in last couple decades. He's moody now.

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