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Predictions Of World Cup 2006 @ Germany By Universal Mind!

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I forgive you for not knowing what irony is, because I asume you are from the Americas, where people don't.
And yet, Amod posts from GMT-0, and since it would be true irony, I'm going to assume you used his program to determine that he's an American, when in reality he hails from Essex. :D
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I am surprised Bascule has not spoken up in defence of the "universal mind. (perhaps he has and I missed it' date=' sorry).


The concept seems to fit in nicely with his new human supercomputer religion.[/quote']


Transhumanists know that transhuman technologies are only on the verge of being developed. They don't exist yet.


If there's anything close to a "universal mind" it's the Internet


bet against him, I did, and it pays off :)


Italy will win!


I use my GUT feelings/instict, and thus far mine beats your "Universal Mind" hands down! and you`ve seen the evidence in this thread of that (I spent the HARD evidence though, LOL).


Well well well!





and so, your "Universal Mind" is a little bit Thick really isn`t it :)

and although I`de hate to bundle you into that same catagory, I seriously suggest you have a good re-think about the the whole thing before you make such extravagant claims.

me on the other hand will collect my humble 20 quid winnings tommorow :)


Next prediction???

Sorry how many of you guys out there learnt IRONY?

Italy CANNOT beat Ghana!


heh (disregarding the irony) - Italy are the strongest team that I've seen so far(I have yet to see Brazil). They are the best technically' date=' They have great defense and have brute force when it comes to striding forward and making opputunities. The strikers are top notch too (e.g.first goal)


Lets hear it - your prediction for Brazil's upcoming game / England's game on thursday (including amount of goals - use that mind!!!)


PS: USA stink at [i']soccer[/i]


I think the thickness of the Universal Mind can be fixed! It seems its poles are switched :P . Try posting the opposite of what your UM says... from that perspective it's been 100% correct!


Irony. Heh.


Am I the most unfortunate person on earth? Because exactly the opposite of my answers do happen!

Well lets continue: Togo CANNOT beat Korea Republic!


and so if it`s true you claim to have reversed the results, if it`s false then you claim to have altered nothing, eitherway you will try to claim you "Knew".


totaly Bogus dude!


what`s it going to be?, we demmand a Commitment!


yt, after so many, if they are all wrong, then there is a slight chance it works and he is messing with us. i severely doubt it, though.

Togo CANNOT[/u'] beat Korea Republic!
Phrasing it this way is very unscientific. Are you saying the Universal Mind gave Korea 100%? I didn't think it was supposed to be that accurate. I think you are full of crap since earlier you made such a big deal about percentages and probabilities, and now you're saying (wrongly) that Togo CANNOT beat Korea Republic!
is it like a magic 8 ball?


yeah a bit, with the exception that 8ball gets it right a good 50% of the time :)


Also, 8Balls actually awnser the questions you give them, and there is a certain amount of intelligence required in thier manufacture.

Am I the most unfortunate person on earth? Because exactly the opposite[/i'] of my answers do happen!


So you're admitting it's entirely luck based?


Originally Posted by Amod

Am I the most unfortunate person on earth? Because exactly the opposite of my answers do happen!


Well may be due to the warning of "The Strawman's Fallacy by my dear Moderator I changed my mind at the turning point; that is (dy/dx)=0,


Well lets continue:Brazil=3 & Croatia=2.

At least: Brazil>Croatia

Although I do remember my teacher talking about irony for a bit of one lesson' date=' I remember quite a few more dedicated to writing properly without such appauling grammer.


Also, I refuse to belive you were being ironic or, as the correct term would be in the givien context, sarcastic. This is because you don't come across as intelligent enough to put such complex thoughts into your posts.


I forgive you for not knowing what irony is, because I asume you are from the Americas, where people don't.[/quote']


I guess to avoid editing I chose to leave it as such instead of:

I apologize if I have offended any person.

Originally Posted by Amod

Am I the most unfortunate person on earth? Because exactly the opposite of my answers do happen!


Well may be due to the warning of "The Strawman's Fallacy by my dear Moderator I changed my mind at the turning point; that is (dy/dx)=0' date='


Well lets continue:Brazil=3 & Croatia=2.

At least: Brazil>Croatia[/quote']


The meaning of numbers lies in their difference!

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