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Louis de Broglie


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I am working on a final project for physics on this phyicist and need to know

"the accomplishments of the phyicist in the world of physics" and "the specific contribution of the scientist to Quantum Theory".


These are topics that need to be covered in the presentation and I am having a hard time finding the exact accomplishments if somebody could list and describe them for me that would be great.


Thanks in advance. :)

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The guy was a legend, I've done a whole coursework on early Quantum theory in general, as well as having mentioned his work on the de Broglie wave hypothesis. As well as the matter/ wave duality stuff, he was also the first to suggest an alternative interpretation of Quantum theory that David Bohm later refined. This is the De Broglie-Bohm interpretation(surprisingly enough). Bohr's expression for angular momentum can also be derived using de Broglie's momentum relationship in an easier way(in my opinion). It goes as follows;

[math]2\pi r= n\lambda[/math]


[math]2\pi r= \frac{nh}{p}[/math]


Therefore:[math]rp= \frac{nh}{2 \pi}= mv\nabla r[/math]

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The Bohr model of the atom which was incredibly accurate to the highest probability of electron position (due to absorption and emmision of photons) proposed later on by the Schrodinger equations. Those two are definetly worth looking into. Schrodinger brought indeterminacy to QM. Look up electron probability clouds.


Max Planck is another mile stone physicist in QM, look up joules/hertz and the Planck constant.


EDIT: Sorry, misread the OP, I thought you said any physicists contribution to QM, not just Le Broglie's...christ it's hot down here at the moment.

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