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Should Superman be jailed?  

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  1. 1. Should Superman be jailed?

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He's an illegal alien, a vigilante, and he regularly causes millions of dollars worth of property damage. Feel free to add anything I missed.



Should be arrested?


His heart's in the right place. Anywho, I don't think the legal system for immigration would technically have anything to do with a non-human non-earth immigrant.


Besides, who else is going to fight off the ridiculously over-powered evil forces that CONSTANTLY plague Metropolis? Sometimes it's logical to say, "okay he's breaking some rules, but realistically, the damn rules need to be broken in this case, so let's just give him official permission."

Anywho' date=' I don't think the legal system for immigration would technically have anything to do with a non-human non-earth immigrant.


Clark Kent defrauded US immigration - I don't think he was very forthright when applying to the Daily Planet...and I don't think we even have a program for work visas for people from Krypton.


Didn't Superman throw all the nuclear weapons of the world into the sun once?


No matter how well meaning someone is, if they tried to sneak into a base and mess with just one little nukey, they'd be locked up.


I think he's kind of a dick to be honest.


Anyone in blue and red tights needs to be jailed in my opinion lol, but who would arrest him? He could kill a person with his right pectoral muscle.

  GutZ said:
Anyone in blue and red tights needs to be jailed in my opinion lol, but who would arrest him? He could kill a person with his right pectoral muscle.


  padren said:
Clark Kent defrauded US immigration - I don't think he was very forthright when applying to the Daily Planet...
Depends; did his parents just pretend he was theirs, or did they adopt him through legal channels? Up until his late teens he didn't have a clue himself, so really the only thing he would have lied about was his biological parentage.


and I don't think we even have a program for work visas for people from Krypton.
That's kinda what I was getting at. I don't think visas would even apply to him, not being human. He miht look it, but he's less closely related to us than bread-mold. It'd be like giving visas to migratory birds that got swept off-course and ended up in the wrong territory.


Didn't Superman throw all the nuclear weapons of the world into the sun once?
I thought the UN or something commissioned him to do that? I'm not actually a fan and don't remember the movies very well.
  padren said:
Clark Kent defrauded US immigration - I don't think he was very forthright when applying to the Daily Planet...and I don't think we even have a program for work visas for people from Krypton.


If you watch Smallville, Lionel Luther used his uber-rich connections to forge papers saying that John and Martha Kent adopted 'Clark Kent.' He did this by setting up his own adoption agency for a single day.


If that doesn't sound shady, I dont know what does.


I'm curious why Superman doesn't do more to stop global conflicts like war and ethnic cleansing. Instead he's out stopping robberies.


Oh, and not to mention that he can supply the entire world's energy needs since he seems to have an unlimited ability to do work.

I'm curious why Superman doesn't do more to stop global conflicts like war and ethnic cleansing. Instead he's out stopping robberies.


Oh' date=' and not to mention that he can supply the entire world's energy needs since he seems to have an unlimited ability to do work.[/quote']


because, when a dirtbag is robbing a store for drug money, it's a clear case of good vs. evil.


Morality is far more hazy when some ruthless dictator who supplies the west with oil, is killing off his own people. Remember, Superman stands for truth, justice and the American way.



(btw... please don't start a flame war, I was just making a joke)


The world needs a good vigilante. The Boondock Saints are a bit more realistic than superman, however.

  The Spith said:
...considering he is a fictional character


but... but... but... I just saw him a movie. :-(:-(


It's not a matter of "should he be jailed" it's a matter of would he be jailed, and I think the obvious answer is yes.


The fact of the matter is, Super Man is a wild card. Sure, he stands for justice, freedom, peace, prosperity. Sure he's a guardian of the planet. But you see, that would take away the justification of other bodies/organizations reason to exist. Ontop of that, most of the people who are really powerful in this day in age(I mean powerful, not necessarily wealthy/rich) are heniously evil, as they nearly have always been.


So if you were an evil human being, bent on screwing the world somehow, would you want fly-boy wrecking your party?


If Enron had collapsed and Ken Lay, and Jeff Skilling had gotten off scott free, and had everything they wanted, while they had caused so much pain, do you think Super Man would have stood by, and watched it happen?


The answer of course, is no.


Super Man would have used his Super Mind control(yes he has mind control, Super Man II, near the ending, Superman kisses Lowis Lane to make her forget that he's really Clark Kent, because of all the emotional damage it's having on Lowis) to force Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay to either A) have a heart, the most likely action, or B) Give back the money.


Note: People like Ken Lay, and Jeff Skilling control this world, that's one of the main reasons it's so screwed up.


So Super Man would be jailed unfortunately.

  reor said:
"Superman should be jailed because he wears tight pants!"


A corresponding point should be made, that he wears red briefs on the outside.


Now, in my day, I've seen odder dress than a man dressed in blue tights and a cape with red briefs on the outside and all was cool, but if he approached me when I'm with my nieces I'd punch him in the face and call the cops.

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