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Who do you think will take over the world?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who do you think will take over the world?

    • Azure Phoenix
    • YT
    • I will.
    • You will, you thinly disguised evil EVIL MASTERMIND!
    • Some deustchbag politician who can't speak english from the Upper Class.
    • This thread is silly, but funny.

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Whose more likely to take over the world, YT, or Azure Phoenix. If you'd like to add yourself into the group of people who will take over the world, please feel free to do so.


Azure phoenix has the, "I'm cute, and sweet, and attractive, and I'd never hurt anybody" thing going for her, so people would be much, much less suspecting, they would be like, "Ahhh, a sweet little girl", right before she enslaves them all.


Meanwhile, YT has an IQ of (I believe he posted this in the IQ thread) 193, so he could use his enormous cranial powers to outwit his opponents, and build an army of Tyrannical machines.


Whose your money on?



  Kylonicus said:
Azure phoenix has the, "I'm cute, and sweet, and attractive, and I'd never hurt anybody"




I voted 'me' by the way. all your base will belong to me. or something.


Fantastic! :)


your Under Estimation of me and subsequent False sense of security will be your Demise!


thus far, ALL is going according to plan, how Very Puny and Predictable you all are :))))


I've been thinking about this alot and have come to the conclusion that world domination is a complicated task and difficult to accomplish. It needs alot of time and sweat, hence patience. Considering me being very patient and not having the handicap of [acr=IRC Transmitted Disease]"ITD"[/acr]s like most of the other candidates, i deem my chances for becoming [acr=Ruler Of The World]ROTW[/acr] the highest.

  Kylonicus said:
Azure phoenix has the, "I'm cute, and sweet, and attractive, and I'd never hurt anybody" thing going for her, so people would be much, much less suspecting, they would be like, "Ahhh, a sweet little girl", right before she enslaves them all.
Who the hell thinks I'm sweet? Or anything less than savagely violent, cold, heartless and malicious? Or globally genocidal??? :confused:


  Silkmaggot said:
They'd have to get off of IRC first, and I don't see that happening.
Half the year it's rather hellishly hot out during the late morning through afternoon, so sue me if I've adaapted to reserve my outdoor-active times for the cooler earlier morning and the evening :P

I think it is true to say that Germany has never ever won a war in its entire existence.


One could argue about the Franco-Prussian war I suppose, since Germany did unify into a single state 10 days before the end of the war, but even that was way back in 1871, and it was against the French so hardly counts....


So why should we be worried about Germany?

  In My Memory said:
AzureDarling, definitely, because she wears much shorter skirts :)


errr how short are the skirts YT wears ?


YT, but he'd need a fedora hat with a suit and cane first. It will probably be sutble and take a few weeks, then BAM one morning during every timezone huge posters are raised with mind control towers that come out of the ground and viscious bunny rabbits with pointy sharp teeth guarding the towers.


I have to begin construction on my anti mind control fedora (with feather side opinion) right away!


hmmm...simply that must be AzurePhoenix!

We don't have to do all stuff by ourselves all the time.Most of te time we use our cleverness and sweetness to make others do what we want! That's what most of leaders do...:cool:


YT. Behind that smart and loving dad is a most evil mind waiting for the world to focus on AP...and then...he will unleash his evilness and turn us all into bunnies! Nyahehehe...:D

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