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If the 1st Law of Psychiatry really is 'Never encourage unusual behavior', doesn't that exclude the accomplishments and contributions of a lot of unusually behaving people?


It can and sometimes is said that humankind would be better off without any kind of technological development and that may be true, but we're where we are, under the impingent circumstances, for better and/or worser, and if the 1st Law of Psychiatry is 'Never encourage unusual behavior', doesn't that fairly begin with failure to control fire and the innovation of the wheel, for example?


(These points are so elementary that even a Geico advertising executive can understand them?)


If the 1st Law of Psychiatry is circumspected, is it not true that neither psychology nor psychiatry are sciences and for this reason have no authority to be conjuring - let alone functionally applying - any 'laws'?


If the First Law of Psychiatry really is trying to pass itself off as a scientific law, is that not unusual behavior and the pinnacle of duplicty? Is that not insanity, squared? :eek:


Post Script: 50% of the admitted patient hospital beds in the United States are psychiatric. Refer: insanity factory. Starting with the people in charge?


Any further commentary, criticisms, contributions are invited (as long as none of it constitutes or endorses unusual behavior?)


Interrogative: How much trouble are we in?

Declarative: How much trouble we are in.


Everything is impossible. Some things are more impossible than others.


"If I knew where it began and ended I'd put everything else in the

middle." - R. W. Emerson :rolleyes:

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