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Wow, thanks for all the information and guidance. Though it doesn't make complete sense (probably due to my inexperience), I at least now understand the complexity of the reactions and the gist of the processes that are occuring.


While I'm reperforming the NaOH experiment, I'll try to wear gloves and goggles. It didn't occur to me that the fats of my skin could be undergoing suponification. I guess that's why it felt a bit smooth. Luckily, though, I didn't get any burns and washed the areas where I felt a tingling sensation. When reperforming the experiment, how would you recommend I deal with any NaOH accidents? Would putting dilute acid (N/10 HCl) on affected areas work?

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have a bottle of Vinegar handy, oil won`t react fast enough, although mixed, it does make a nice salad dressing :)

if you worry about the smell of vinegar, get some Citric acid or tartaric acid and make a strong soln of that in a bottle and keep that close to you.

then just wash off with pleny of fresh water.

I`de advise totaly against using mineral acids!


if you`re dealing with Acids, make up a strong soln of Sodium Carbonate (washing soda) and do the same as outlined above.

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