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What the Hell (Pretend that says "heck" if you're American) does this do?


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difficult to say really with so little info, but the "2 year" part Might be a give away as to it`s limitations, Li cells have a life of roughly that CR2016`s and CR2032`s, so maybe it`s an electronic device? perhaps an ultrasonic emitter?


But I dont know for sure :)

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I'm american, but I forgot how to substitute words, so you bloody UKers better have polite mouthy words or else



...I'll tell my mom


it probably does a scarecrow effect, the fleas think it'll kill 'em so they don't bother to go on your pet.


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AHA! from the URL in post #1

click on "info" then on "Flea Contro" I assume it should say "Control"?


then have a look here: http://a5.zencatalog.com/Group55/Flea_Contro.html


I`m most probably correct, it`s an ultrasonic device designed to make fleas (how shall we say???) erm... Uncomfortable :)

and you`ll probably find it`s powered with a Lithium Cell.

I`ve no further info with regard to this technology though, so it MAYBE Totaly bogus?

Your call :)

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CatanDog's plate produces (or) generates electromagnetic and scale waves, without incorporating any battery, as it's not neccessary, the POWER supply is the "earthly magnetic field" and the amimal motion in it, cutting in such a way the flow lines ,and, thanks to "Lenz Law" producing "Foucault" currents of extremely small power but enough to activate the CatanDog's disc, that acts as a passive resonator...


by: Professor Jóse Luis Arrans Gil..


From the manufacturer's site as posted by Skye.



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ewww gross! what if the cat walked past the fridge! LOL


btw, I had a look on that site Skye mentioned, and then into the link about Lenz law, that was all true. then the one below it about Scalar waves :)

read towards the bottom few paragraphs, Personaly anything that mentions "Cold Fussion" etc... doesn`t carry much weight with me. sounds like a `New Age` snake oil sales pitch :)

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I can`t see it working to be honest, for several reasons, some I`ve mentioned. sure it may set up miniscule waves using the geomagnetic feild, but certainly nothing more powerfull than a fridge magnet. I recon it`s bogus (personaly) but I could be wrong! I guess the only way to find out is to test it :)

maybe a Patent search and build one? or buy one perhaps?


the 2 year lifespan seems odd though??? surely it should last forever if thats all there is to it as they say?

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