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What's your favorite animal and why? Just wondering...


As for me, it's the red-eyed tree frog because of it's huge red eyes, and it just looks cool.


Definetly chameleons.


Their eyes move independantly to one another, they've got incredibly long tongues that can catch insects from a distance (twice the length of their body IIRC), they also change colour due to temperature, and as a form of communication. They are the only lizards with 'zygodactyle' feet, and they really do look like they're from another planet, which I like.


I've heard of sail bunnies...aren't they road kill frisbees, or something.


Sail Bunnies are even better though, esp when Really dry, you can skim them like Frizbees for ages before they break up.


although on the topic of Snails, it reminds me of a Car prototype done by a French designer, called the Snail Car, or "S" Car for short, apparently during trials the thing went so fast that the potential Buyers for this design were reported to have said " Wow, look at that S Car go!"


Most felines like; tiger, jaguar, caracal(sp?),lynx, lions, mountain lions, right down to the domestic tabby.

I would have thought your favourite animal would be a snail?


(I quite like snails myself' date=' especially with a little garlic.)[/quote']


Even though I wanted them as a kid (after seeing them on a programme about unusual pets), the only reason I own them is because of an ex-girlfriend...errr, kind of a long story.


Funnily enough, I've never actually tried escargot, or african snail, I think octopus is the only mollusc I've eaten...fine if you like chewing on rubber.


  YT2095 said:
although on the topic of Snails, it reminds me of a Car prototype done by a French designer, called the Snail Car, or "S" Car for short, apparently during trials the thing went so fast that the potential Buyers for this design were reported to have said " Wow, look at that S Car go!"


Heh, never heard that one.

I would have thought your favourite animal would be a snail?


(I quite like snails myself' date=' especially with a little garlic.)[/quote']Yuck!


I like: tigers, polar bears, penguins and arctic foxes.


I agree with GutZ... I like cats most. Expecially small house cats.


My friend hates them because all they do is eat and sleep and "constantly stare at you, as if watching and judging you, just waiting for you to fail."


I have a perfect pet.


It does not smell, is completely undemanding, cheap to feed, can be left unattended for long long periods and is never disobedient. It is also house-trained ab initio and there are no vets bills, and its hair does not fall out.


It is a rock. Ideal.


Rocks are warm and cuddly too. And they are so excited when they see you come home. Really active creatures. Its great.

  gcol said:
It is a rock. Ideal.


I think it's incredibly sad how many rocks you see abandoned, on beaches, left in gardens, even on the side of mountains. A rock is for life, not just for Christmas.


My official favorites are Amur tigers, snow leopards and marbled cats, but the full list is much longer, with killer whales, belugas, red pandas, chinchillas, otters and wolverines, okapis, geckos, nudibranches, giant anteaters, various birds of prey, frogmouths, cuttlefish, and those rare color forms of lobsters (like electric blue or golden yellow) There are probably more.

  BobbyJoeCool said:
"constantly stare at you, as if watching and judging you, just waiting for you to fail."


And that's why we like them. we can take the heat!


Orcas and dolphins (bottle-nose). If it were legal, I'd love to keep one or two or a whole pod as pets in a large swimming pool. Then I'd charge admission to anyone that wants to swim with them, of course.


Oh, as for why, dolphins are arguably the most intelligent creatures next to us. It's only a matter of time before we can figure out how to communicate with them. Well actually, we already have rudimentary ways of communicating with them, but I'm hoping to surpass the level of Koko the Gorilla in terms of human-nonhuman communication.


My second favorite is a puffin because their just beautiful.


My favorite is my dog because she's a friend who is always there for me. She may not know it, but she is.




I'd have to say my Dog as well.

He was an expert escape artist and he used to follow me around on my paper round when I was young.




If we include extinct species, either Allosaurus fragilis (just a *beatiful* theropod, well-proportioned and sleek while powerful) or Postosuchus (imagine the bastard child or a crocodile and a T. rex).


For extant species, my favorites would probably be cuttlefish, stomatopods, monitor lizards, snakes, and dwarf caimans.




yeah Monitors are nice! as are Komodo dragons, but not exactly safe to be Bitten by the latter I hear. (bacterial or infections or something to that effect).


Actually, Komodos are a type of monitor, simply the largest. Most have pretty dirty mouths, and plus even without the bacteria, even small ones can give a really nasty bite; I still have a scar from the bite of a 4-foot blue-tailed tree monitor.



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