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Aerosol Can refilling (no Idiots Please!)


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here`s a few tho,


a rocket (car), water rocket races, a solar cooker, a windmill power generator, a tennis ball cannon, a microwave cannon, a radio telescope, homemade batteries to power a homemade radio, an optical telescope, a jacobs ladder, a pirate radio station, my Halogen "Death Ray" etc...

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heheheh in Braniac, yeah man :)

we taped it, I think they used Propane and pure Oxygen mix in em, that in itself is just suicide!

tho I will confess to having done the same (I used Butane and Oxygen) in a condom. it was about the size of a football and I was smart enough to use a 18 second length of visco fuse to detonate it with. VERY IMPRESSIVE! :)

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My dad got a load of petrol in a 2 litre container, had a hole at the top, lit it.


Nothing happened apart from the vapours being ignited until about a third of the petrol had been used up. When the oxygen mix was just right, it exploded and apparently was just a bit loud :P

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By the way, as a disclaimer to myself, don't even think of attempting that, because it's probably highly illegal and you can definately injure yourself unless you're careful. You have to be mildly insane to try it in the first place anyway though.

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heheheheh, ya know the big council wheely bins, put a cup of petrol in one of those, tape the lid down, shove a LONG fuse into a pre-drilled hole, and wait for the petrol to evaporate (half a hour is good) light the fuse.

it`ll have the callorific value of several sticks of TNT, but less brissant and much louder :)

I`ve seen it done in a feild not far from where I live, it flattened the grass for a good 30 foot in every direction. it was well sweet :)

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hell yeah! I`ve never seen anything like it my life! I was most impressed, not just the BOOM that you could feel but the pure simplicity of it :)

it`s literaly a several hundred liter car cylinder backfiring, wouldn`t dare use pure O2 in something like that tho!


I`m glad this thread says (No Idiots Please), I must be Psychic :)

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Brainiac is the devil's television show.


It offends me as someone who has put the effort in to learn a great deal of information and methodology over more than a decade; to see some drivelling loon jumping about in a disused quarry claiming that science is boring, blowing up caravans with oxygen is the only fun bit, and 2 blokes in vests is an adequate sample group.


It's crapulent.

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and as for that stupid safe they keep trying to break into, gimme half an hour :)


that PETN deta-cord was in the wrong place last week, and that was the wrong stuff to use anyway. hit the hinges instead!

Thallium salts would do a good job on it also (takes about a week though) makes the metal that brittle it`ll just crumble :)


can`t w8 till next weeks though, a Tank round fired at it!


Muhahahhaahahaaaaa... :)

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YT2095 said in post #45 :

I`m sure someone that was classicaly trained in Ballet, wouldn`t object to disco dancing in the same you object to this being the Comedy side of Science? :)

True, but only true because that's not an analogy for my argument, not because my argument is unfounded.


The correct analogy would be your disco dancers passing off their trade as ballet, and the ballet dancer becoming rightfully disdainful of them.

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I see no such pretence in their actions, they present genuine science in a comedy manor.

sure there`s more serious aspects to science involved, but it makes no pretence about it, certainly nothing a 6 year old above wouldn`t see through :)

I just take it for what it is, a Science version of "Jackass", I think it`s way entertaining :)

and I also am classicly trained in Science 2 decades,,, and more if I live that long :)

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Their test of "do redheads experience more pain than brunettes" - as an example - can hardly be called scientific.


They had a sample group of 1 individual for each test group. They had no control group. They produced no quantifiable data of any kind. Their interpretation of the experiment was arbitrary. They consulted (and cited) no references.


It is not scientific.



They are using 'things' that science 'discovered'. That does not make their actions scientific. That's like calling me a fireman because I let off a fire extinguisher.

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LOL, hardly the same thing at all :)

it`s just pure light hearted entertainment only, as I said, a variation of "Jackass" with a science slant :)

and re your example, can`t you see the humor in it at all?

even the question is somewaht proposterous :)

lighten up a little dude, here, breathe some helium and say something, it`ll make ya smile!!! :P

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