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Guest nick416

I am working on an independent study of nitroglycerin and one component of this assignment is to find a contact for an explanation.


I would greatly appreciate anyone who can help by giving me a brief overview of any of the following aspects of nitroglycerin, which would also allow me to look into each in greater detail:

- environmental chemistry

- optimum orientation

- economic significance

- applications

- social effects


I know these are straight forward and I can find any information I need on the web, but the point is to hear it from someone with a background in chemistry. Please include your title or credentials.



Nick, gr12 chem


there aren`t many applications for it nowadays beyond that of medicinal usage for heart conditions and a few other rarer conditions that benefit from its vasodilating properties.


"a few other rarer conditions that benefit from its vasodilating properties."


I thought that NO was used for those :)


I was trying to send an attachment that i had written on word. But since the person im PM'ed didnt respond i am unable to do this. Can anybody help me with this problem!!!


NG`s also rarely to never used comercialy as an explosive anymore either. there are much better explosives out there and more stable and just as inexpensive to produce.

Dynamite nowadays is very rarely NG based, the main uses for NG in that area are as a "sensitiser" for lower grade det-caps and to be mixed also with Nitro-Cellulose in some SP mixes.

as for the rest of your questions, a Google search would be more helpfull, they`re more Socio-Economic based and not really my area :)

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