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I am very sorry;


That I have not been able to get my point out to you in a way that you can understand it.


Please take the time to look at the patterns that are found in Nature and the pattern of the gravitational fields. And then think if a warp in space & time can cause these patterns are can these fields can cause the warp in spsce & time.

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Ok, something has made me decide to try and get all the misunderstandings out of the way. i have a number of quetions and comments to make on this alpha so just bear with me and answer them as best you can. i will try and make everything as clear and simple as possible as to avoid confusion.


lets start.

  alpha-137 said:
But I must add that all of Newton’s and Einstein’s math still apply here. None of their math that explains the actions of broth magnetic and gravitational fields in any way needs to be changed.


ummm, newton never wrote anything about electromagnetism. neither did einstein as far as i can recall. therfore this is irrelevant and probably lead to a lot of confusion. also as a little note, einsteins theories REPLACE newtons theories as there are many cases wher newtonian physics is just plain wrong. einsteins theories correct this and apply where newtons theories are 'good enough'. so it supercedes newtonian gravity.





This is my visual understanding of the electro-magnetic-weak force. Each electron spins out a line / or field of flux that we see here interlocking their fields of flux. The more electrons the stronger their bonding force is.


ok' date=' you seem to think that atomic bonding is a direct result of the weak force. not true, the weak force has not got the range nor the stregnth. this is purely an electromagnetic phenomenon.


  alpha-137 said:
We have come to understand that we can force these fields of electro-weak forces or lines / or fields of flux into an accelerating set of fields. As we can see here these lines /or fields of flux are spun out by the electron in a conductor.


No, sorry. this is a purely electromagnetic phenomenon again. the weak force is a short range force. it is not responsible for macroscopic phenomena.


  alpha-137 said:
When we coil a conductor the fields of flux forms a donut shape and become polarized, this meaning that the fields of flux circle in and out of this donut shape, thus giving the fields two poles. We also see here that the fields of flux start to propagate out, this meaning that the individual fields of flux begin to repel and separate from each other.


ok, this is a reasonable description of an electromagnet up until you mention the fields repelling each other as the reason the field propagates. the reason i propagtes is that it is a electromagnetic phenomenon where the force is transmitted by photons. these move at the speed of light and will hence spread out. the force decreases with distance as the photons spread out. no repulsion unless another magnet is brought in.


  alpha-137 said:
NOTE: All fields of flux move at the speed of light. This is because all fields of flux are in the light spectrum, weather it is electromagnetic/ weak or the strong forces or even the gravitational fields of flux.


you got the speed right. except for weak and strong forces. these are transmitted by massive(with mass) particles and as massive particles, cannot travel at the speed of light. this also means that they are very short ranged as the particles decay.


Gravitational fields have evidence to suggest they move at the speed of light but the method of transmission is as yet unknown.


  alpha-137 said:
Yes, even gravity can be detected in the electromagnetic area of the light spectrum. But that will be much later in the main theory, “The G-1 Theory”.


your going to have to post that part of your theory and also give references to where you found data on gravitational forces being picked up in the electromagnetic spectrum. i think it will turn out to be that it was an analogy that you interpreted to be data.



[A] This is the nuclei of the atomic system showing the neutron & proton with there strong forces holding them together.

This is a blow up of the nuclei showing us that what we see as the outer shell of the neutron & proton is just the blurred orbits of their quarks and that the three quarks of the neutron spin out fields of flux that inner lock with the fields of flux that are spun out by

the protons three quarks with the exception of one of the protons field of flux is spun out at 90 degrees to the others' date='[ most likely doe to that quarks spin'] and this one holes an electron in orbit around the proton.[What we call the charge of the proton] I call this one the strong P-E field. As we can see the orbits of the quarks are in different orbital planes so as the quarks move in their orbit their hold on the other will change so we now can understand the cause for nuclei’s constant warble / or vibration.

Also we can now see why as the quarks move apart the force seams to get stronger, this is do to more of the fields of flux will come into play. We also can see that all of the forces are of one type, and that is spun out fields of flux by either the electron or quarks.

Thus we have a Unified Field Theory! That will also include gravity, as you will see.


Ok, i am far from an expert on the internal workings of an atom but as far as i am aware the information i'm about to type is correct. i'm sure that if i am wrong swansont or someone will correct me.


You show a strong force loop holding an electron coming from a proton. electrons are not held by the strong force but the electro-magnetic force.

you seem to get all these forces mixed up into the one single force but this is not what theories like the electro-weak theory are about. they show the relationship of the forces and not that they are one in the same.


The forces are not of one type and you have not placed gravity. this part needs a lot of work and you will need to figure out the relationships which means maths. if you want help then you need to meet us half way and give us something to work with.


Now bring in “The String Theory”

Finely last week I was able to see just what the string theorist concept looked like' date='


well at lest one of the five string theories.


Now just visualize all six of the quarks in motion with their orbits and keeping


their interlocking flux energy fields around their counterparts.


Now I can see why the String theory’s math can explain the action / motion of the


strong force flux fields fairly well. These little circles of flux energy would be contracting


and expanding all of the time.[so the math of the string theory of the little circles of


energy will work here.']



nurghh? i can't make any sense of that. you'll have to clarify.


The Creator of the universe chose Iron as the key atomic system here. Iron is found at broth the inner and outer the cores of the Earth' date=' and the moon, and it is looking like also the two levels of the core of the sun.

The Earth[/quote']


yes iron is quite common in this little part of the universe, but iron as the key element in the whole universe? i doubt it. the universe is made up of about 99.999% hydrogen with the second most common element being helium. iron is quite low down the list.


just because the core of the earth in diagrams looks the same as the core of the sun in diagrams does not mean that they function the same way.

to the untrained eye alcohol and water look identical but they are very very different. similarity in looks does not mean that the two things are equally similar in function or composition.


  alpha-137 said:
The inner core of the Earth is made up of solid Iron that is the source of the Earth’s magnetic fields of flux and the outer core is made up of Iron in the very hot state of plasma and this is where we find the source of gravitational fields of flux.


the outer core is plasma? woah. where did you get that doozy? its a liquid. mainly iron and nickel. its runny but it isn't a plasma. its also cooler than the inner core but under less pressure hence is liquidness.


and if the outer core is the sole provider of gravitational fields for the earth do you mind explaining why everything else can display measurable gravitational fields (including, but not limited to; mountains, rocks, brass, water, cats, gnats, didgerydoos, kangeroos and you.)


Newton and Einstein were right about believing that gravity should have two poles.


We now can see that one of the gravitational poles faces the inner core of the Earth and


the other gravitational pole faces out into space.


they didn't say that as far as i recall. it is allowed in their models of gravity but requires a whole lot of wierd stuff like negative mass and energy which we have not as of yet encountered.


How do you know the polarity of earth? it looks like you are claiming that gravity works like a magnet and if you made a magnet like that then it would not result in a monopole. but an extremely convoluted multipole.

a visual way of thinking about it is that there would be small places on earth where you would fall up into space.


  alpha-137 said:
So we can now understand that at the G-T-P / gravitational transition point' date=' the two fields density matches each other, thus repels each other at that point. This is the orbital locking system that keeps the Earth and Moon in place.[/quote']


woah. repel? no. i think you will find that the two fields compliment each other. the attroactive force is equal in both directions so anything at that point will have a net force of 0 acting on it from the earth and moon.


In this model nothing changes all of Newton’s and Einstein’s math still applies in full


with what you just said' date=' they would need to be chucked out and rewritten.


This model just gives us a source and a pattern to the fields. And


also unifies the strong forces to gravity.


i must have missed this bit. please, elaborate and clarify.


Mass moving at the speed of light


Einstein showed us that if a mass was moving at a speed close to the speed of light it


would begin to elongate are stretch. So what about a simulated speed of light?


first of all' date=' mass cannot move at the speed of light.


einstein said nothing of the sort. he said that a mass would contract(shrink) along its velocity vector, not elongate. you have misunderstood relativity at a basic level here. your diagram makes it quite clear that this is not merely a muddle but a complete and utter miss.


you cannot simulate an impossible event. a simulation requires you to apply physical laws to a virtual element. since the laws say that it cannot happen then it cannot be simulated. like typing 3/0 into a calculator.


High speed thermal transfer in the form of inferred light particles known as heat is being used in broth the torch and laser above to cut through the iron plates.

These inferred light particles are moving at the speed of light so in effect this is causing so much resistance that it strips away the electrons and their bonding effect, thus cutting the iron.

This action is in effect simulating Einstein’s mass moving at the speed of light. The resistance is so high that even the nuclei is forced to adjust and form in a pattern of lest resistance to the on coming rush of heat /


oh dear. infrared light particles are called photons. the same as particles of all other lights. these are not heat. heat is kinetic energy possesed y an atom. this will not strip away electrons as the photons do not have enough energy to ionize an atom. if its very high energy infrared then you might be able to get a transition but this is a very different thing.


the laser and cutting torch do operate similarly, the heat the metal up till it vapourises(becomes a gas) in the same way water will become a gas at 100*C.


This does not simulate travel at the speed of light. The nuclei are unaffected by infrared radiation as they are far too small to absorb he photons. the only electromagnetic radiation capable of interacting with a nuclei are gamma rays. and they will reorder the nuclei but not in the way hat you predict.


  alpha-137 said:
Iron atomic nuclei at simulated light speed. This action forces the Iron nuclei to from into the gravitational polarization state. This polarizes the strong P-E field into gravitational fields.


The strong force is short ranged it can operate over the diameter of an iron nuclei but no further no matter how polarised(if it can indeed be polarised) it is. there is no relationship by the method you are describing.


  alpha-137 said:
And these magnetic fields also maintain the Earth’s ice caps.


mind explaining this one? i always thought that it was the sparcity of the sunlight.


  alpha-137 said:
This gives us a better understanding of the orbital locking system for the Earth and Moon.


we understand tidal locking of the moon and earth very well. this also happens with space shuttles and satellites in orbit. if the fields really did repel then why isn't the moon flying away?


Now for the 'star of david' in the crystals. it is merely a geometric shape and crystals are known for creating geometric shapes. its more complex than the usual shapes but not as comlex as it could be. it is likely that this symbol was taken from shapes seen in crystals by ancient cultures. they probably thought it was the signature of god or similar.


  alpha-137 said:
And now we are just beginning to see that our sun has an iron core also.


if the sun had an iron core then it would not be able to undergo fusion. the sun has a hydrogen/helium core. the sun does have iron in it but a very very tiny amount compared to everything else thats in it.


I'm going to end now. my fingers are sore but i will continue tomorrow.


IA, will you stop this and let alpha say whatever he want's to say:-p


Ok Alpha, let's say your theory is right as you claim, but then, can it solve any of the existing riddles of physics?(a new theory is no good if it can not do this) Can it explain any of such observable phenomenans which are still not fully explained by conventional physics? Wait, why am i going so far, can it explaine the existance of W-particals or Gluons(which are not required in your theory but have been experimentally detected). Any ways, this thing has been over-said by others and they will keep on saying this, but as I am ready to believe you blindly, please tell me your theory can explain any of the existing riddles of physics?(hey, don't let me down,it is the first time I am ready to believe a theory blindly,so you better come with a "yes"). If it can not, then I will prefer to go with conventional physics.;)


@CanadaAotS, it was just coincidence that that happened i just listed a few things that came to mind without really thinking about them.


@kenshin, yeah i hope that he tells us his 'G-1' theory but there are glaring errors in this part showing that he doesn't fully understand the current theories.

mostly i would assume that it is difficulty in getting his point across but for some i think it goes beyond that(such as his mass elongation) which cannot be explained by inarticulateness.


Dear insane_alien


The weak-electromagnetic force is one and the same;


Just look up Steven Weinberg, a professor here at UT and see for yourself what he Won his Nobel for!



Gravitomagnetism is predicted by Einstein’s general relativity. The question is just what is gravitomagnetism? Let us break it down first.

[1] Gravity; A large scale accelerating fields of force that is found in

Nature emanating from the core regions of heavenly bodies.

[2] Magnetism; A large scale accelerating fields of force that is found

in nature emanating from the core regions of heavenly bodies.

[3] Broth magnetic & gravitational fields of force have been found to

move at © the speed of light.

[4] But, just what are these fields made up of that is moving at ©, well

for the lack of any other term we will use lines of flux to explain


Newton’s summing up of the mystery of how and why gravity worked as it did and still holds good today:

“That one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of anything else , by and through which their action maybe conveyed from one to another , is to me so great an absurdity that , I believe , no man who has in philosophic matters a competent facility of thinking could ever fall into it.”

“We can hardly admit that one and the same medium is capable of transmitting two or more actions by wholly different mechanisms, [so] all forces may be regarded as connected more or less intimately with those which we study in electromagnetism.”


In short the phenomenon known as action at a distance could be described by math, but it could not be explained.


So we now have Newton and Einstein thinking that broth gravity and magnetism are much the same as the electromagnetism’s action.

Well let us look at magnetism & electromagnetism and their actions.

[ a ] We can see the pattern of the fields of flux of a magnet if we put a

magnet under a piece of paper and sprinkle some iron shavings

on the paper and iron shavings will line up in the pattern of the

magnetic lines of flux that will be basically in a donut shape

pattern that goes from pole to pole of the magnet.

[ b ] We see the very same pattern in the lines of flux of an electro-

magnet in doing this same experiment. But here we are inducing

a magnetic field into the iron rod of the electromagnet by the

energized coil of conducting wire that is coiled around the iron


[ c ] Now if we take the iron core / rod out of the electromagnet and

doe the experiment. We will now see the pattern of an electro-

magnetic fields of flux that are now in a hollow donut shaped

field that man has found out that he can use as an accelerating

field of force. So we now have a pattern of an accelerating field of

force that may help us understand what to look for in our search

for a pattern to a gravitational field of force.


Ok, we now have two of the wisest men ever known to mankind Newton and Einstein thinking on same line that gravity and magnetic fields are being produced basically the by the same sub-atomic actions, but are propagated out in different patterns.


Einstein’s Cosmic Constant states that gravity should have two poles. Yes Einstein said that gravity should have two poles just like the electromagnetic accelerating fields we just seen in our experiments. But we have never been able to understand how to locate a second pole for Einstein’s Cosmic Constant Gravity.


Now all that we need to do is figure out just what particle/ or particles account for producing these fields. We already know that

The electron is responsible for spinning out the electromagnetic lines

of flux. Along with the fact that electrons have the ability to conduct, that is to move from one atomic-system to another in certain types of atomic-systems. And in certain types of atomic-systems the electron’s produced lines of flux can induce a magnetic field in that atomic-system.


Now we will look at these atomic-systems in a larger scale known as mass and this is just what we find as the cores of Earth, Moon, and most likely our sun. This mass is know as iron and here this iron is found in two extreme states, the inner cores are iron in a solid state and the outer cores are iron in a molten/ or plasma state.



We now have the two extreme states of iron in the location where we suspect the gravitational fields are produced.


[Q1] How can these two extreme states of iron coexist in this area of a

heavenly body?

[Q2] Why iron as the second layer, and not one the other 27 known

heaver elements?

[Q3] Does iron’s atomic system have not only the ability to polarize and

propagate out magnetic fields of flux in one state, but maybe in a

different state also have the ability to polarize and propagate out

gravitational fields of flux also?

[Q4] If so then what are the forces involved this action within the iron’s

atomic system?

[Q5] Or is there an outside force at work here that brings on these


[Q6] Is the final action the converting of the outer core area of molten/

plasma state of iron into a state of High-Density-Mass where as to

force the strong forces of the iron’s atomic-system to polarize and

propagate out as gravitational fields of flux. And like magnetic

fields of forces the gravitational fields of force also have two poles

where all of the same poles face the inner core and all of the same

face into space. So we have a core-pole and a space-pole to gravity

now, just as Einstein’s Cosmic Constant states it should have.

The weak-electromagnetic force is one and the same;


No. its not. it is a combination of electro-magnetic force and weak nuclear force. It DOES NOT mean that electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force are identical.


ravitomagnetism is predicted by Einstein’s general relativity. The question is just what is gravitomagnetism? Let us break it down first.

[1] Gravity; A large scale accelerating fields of force that is found in

Nature emanating from the core regions of heavenly bodies.

[2] Magnetism; A large scale accelerating fields of force that is found

in nature emanating from the core regions of heavenly bodies.

[3] Broth magnetic & gravitational fields of force have been found to

move at © the speed of light.

[4] But, just what are these fields made up of that is moving at ©, well

for the lack of any other term we will use lines of flux to explain



Yes i am aware of the Gravito-magnetism effect. It was discussed earlier on this forum. from what i read there it was a predicted effect of relativity and didn't have much to do with magnetism per-se. i think that bit is an analogy to the way you get a magnetic field from a moving electric field you get a gravito-magnetic field from a moving gravitational field.


Ok, we now have two of the wisest men ever known to mankind Newton and Einstein thinking on same line that gravity and magnetic fields are being produced basically the by the same sub-atomic actions, but are propagated out in different patterns.


stop putting word into newton and einsteins mouths. newton did not know about subatomic forces and therefore could not have thought this. i don't recall reading anything about einstein saying this either. please provide a source.


The electron is responsible for spinning out the electromagnetic lines

of flux.


no its not. the force carrier responsible for electric fields is the photon. get your physics right.


iron in a molten/ or plasma state.


there is a HUGE difference in those states of matter. please define one or the other as it cannot be both. it IS liquid. it IS NOT plasma. if it were plasma it would be a charged gas. and seismology wouldn't work.


[Q1] How can these two extreme states of iron coexist in this area of a

heavenly body?


the states are not that extreme. the temperature of around 5000*C kind of is but the immense pressures at the centre of the earth prevent melting of the inner core and vapourisation of the outer core.


[Q2] Why iron as the second layer, and not one the other 27 known

heaver elements?


holy crap where did all our elements go! there are 60 natural elements heavier than iron. and there is also a lot of nickel down there along with all theother elements known to man.


[Q3] Does iron’s atomic system have not only the ability to polarize and

propagate out magnetic fields of flux in one state, but maybe in a

different state also have the ability to polarize and propagate out

gravitational fields of flux also?


well, technically it is the crystal structure that causes the magnetic effects rather than the individual atoms. also why should it need to polarise for gravity. gravity is caused by mass. simple as.


Q4] If so then what are the forces involved this action within the iron’s

atomic system?

[Q5] Or is there an outside force at work here that brings on these



the forces involved in making it have a magnetic field, electromagnetism.

the forces involved in giving it gravity, gravity. it does not require an external force.


[Q6] Is the final action the converting of the outer core area of molten/

plasma state of iron into a state of High-Density-Mass where as to

force the strong forces of the iron’s atomic-system to polarize and

propagate out as gravitational fields of flux. And like magnetic

fields of forces the gravitational fields of force also have two poles

where all of the same poles face the inner core and all of the same

face into space. So we have a core-pole and a space-pole to gravity

now, just as Einstein’s Cosmic Constant states it should have.


i can't make heads or tales of this. does somebody want to translate?


Dear insane_alein




The electron is responsible for spinning out the electromagnetic lines

of flux.


no its not. the force carrier responsible for electric fields is the photon. get your physics right.


Just what particle do you think spins out these lines of flux????????



  insane_alien said:


Dear insane_alein;


You realy think photons are moving through that conductor and spinning out the lines of flux???????????:confused:


If so; there will be NO need for me to try to explain any more to you!!!!


Photons are the force carrier particle of the electromagnetic force. Although it is electrons which in this case are, i don't know the terminology, but are instigating the force, it is the photons which are and create the lines of flux. Not the electrons. Perhaps the electrons create the photons, i don't know, this is not my strength, however, IA is correct in that the current theory says dictates that photons are the force carriers of EM. For the strong nuclear force, it is the gluons, and for the weak, i cannot remember, but i think it is either gauge bosons or W and Y particles, or something. I can't recall.


And for the love of god can we have some SUPPORT for your theory, please?


And do you mind using the Quote function? Its the little speech bubble in the control toolbar. It makes things easier for us. Thanks!


W and Z particles there isn't a Y particle(yet).


and yes i do believe that since there is experimental evidence to back it up. you should try out evidence sometime.

Dear insane_alein;


You realy think photons are moving through that conductor and spinning out the lines of flux???????????:confused:


If so; there will be NO need for me to try to explain any more to you!!!!



The lines of flux are not physical entities, as such.


And by the way, it isn't 100% fact that the earth's core is iron. There are other theories... one of my favourite is that earth's magnetic field is created by a natural nuclear reactor at the core. If there were large amounts of radioactive particles, they would sink down to the core (being heavier then most other particles).


Also, Anjruu: electrons "make" photons when they move down an energy level (or move up... cant remember lol). They expel the energy as a photon.

Just what do you think pounches electron-holes in conductors to cause the electrons to flow in the conductors of generator.


electron holes? you mean in semiconductors or what?



In a generator not Originally Posted by insane_alien

electron holes? you mean in semiconductors or what?



In a generators and / or alternators;


Where a magnet is spun in a group of coiled conductors;


And that is all there is to one.


Dear insane_alein



electron holes in alternators? okay... i have never heard of anything like this.


could you explain further. i think it could be a misunderstanding here








This is all there is to one, a magnetic field being rotating in the area of the coiled


Conductors, the only difference between a generator and an alternator is the way the


coiled fields are connected.


Dear insane_alein


Ok, is the action in the conductors that you need to understand!




A conductor conducts in the outer electron-shell of the atomic system,


And when the magnetic moves across the conductor its’ lines of flux forces the electrons


in the outer shell to drop to a lower electron-shell leaving what we call electron-holes and


it is because these electron-holes the other electrons move in to fill them , thus we are


conducting / or electron-flow .


why would it drop to a lower electron shell? the lower electron shells are completely filled. this would be an extremely unfavourable situation.


what actually happens is in a conductor, the outer electrons are delocalised and can flow from atom to atom. the changing magnetic field (caused by the motion of either magnet or conductor) causes the electrons to accelerate in one direction which causes a current.


I actually think hes right on this. Or at least barking up the right tree, I do know that in making computer chips they make electron holes or something like that for semi-conductors...


What hes saying sounds familar

The diagrams dont help at all though :P


And I thought I taught you about the magical world of quote tags alpha?!? lol


semiconductors aren't used in generators.(well ok, there might be an electronic control chip but that isn't necessary to the function)


p-type semiconductors are doped so that there are electron 'holes' traveling around and these holes behave like a positive electron.


n-type semiconductors are doped to have electrons travelling about in them


both holes and electrons move freely through out the semiconductor.

when there is a joining of p-type and n-type (a p-n junction) there is a neutral one where holes and electrons have 'cancelled' each other out. when a photon of sufficient enrergy hits this area a electron-hole pair can be formed. this requires a lot less energy than an ionization as the electrons are in bonded orbitals.

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