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Science Advances in 2004 n beyond


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I was wondering what each of you guys wanna see advance in, in the year 2004? or even in the future? So please post your creativity about science advancements in 2004 and beyond. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


For me,

1. i wish advancement in nanotechnology and so, it the future everything will be small and easily manage. No more big bulky stuff. Wee! Nano-TV in contact lens that can be placed before your eye and seen anywhere you go! Locks that can be unlock by the touch of your finger. As th nano-chip "key" simply unlocks the lock. Etc. By that time, woo, the future would be so cool. :P


2. Well, this would definitely not happened inmy generation. The ability to read one's mind. woo. this was a long time dream. It obviously have it's pro and cons. But, i think, the world would be totally different if that ever happens. nah. it is unlikely. :P


Cheers for the coming year! :)

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Total Immersion Virtual Reality games and simulators complete with full body CyberSuits!

that would Rock!


Actualy landing a man on the moon for real (yes I`m a conspiracy theorist regarding that).


more Renewable fuel/energy sources, at a reasonable price per unit.


Genetic screening and taylor made genetic drugs for all ilnesses, done in a week or less.


An Earth deffense system in space for any incoming meteors or comets.


And AV media that lasts!

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Maybe the lock should be like more genetically involved. the machine will take like nano amount of your blood that you don't even notice. and examine your genetic identity... etc. It would be idea for big organisation company... that has lots of things o save keep.

Yup, much like the Gattaca movie.

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we have flying cars already (clicky), i just want them available. and it would be extremely easy to make the flying laws, and have everything work out, but i doubt DMV will be smart enough.


at a scifi convention i went to last year, i learned that a company is working on a changable atom. i don't remember the name, but they basically feed electrons into one point, and do something special that makes the electrons clump together, simulating an atom. a different number of electrons changes the properties of the atom thing. they talked about the future having PDAs the size of credit cards completely made of these atoms. it would be able to do basically anything (that a credit card sized thing can do).


nanobots would be awesome. if we could just get some replicators going....

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the VR world is a cool idea,


and brain modelling

and Molecular Neural nets


The mars one is a bit far fetched cuz you would have to have

some dedicated people to go live on mars to manage the "cities"

there as your tourist would like a clean place to live. The moon

one is better.

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