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How did you meet your spouse? :)

In My Memory

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Was it love at first sight? Serendipity? Your high school sweetheart? Or some really smooth one-liners?


I thought this would be a fun thread because almost everyone has an interesting story of how they met their husband or wife, for instance I work with a guy who met his wife on an H P Lovecraft messageboard, and I know another couple who met because the woman (a cop) had pulled over her soon-to-be husband for speeding :)



I was never really "officially" married, so much as perpetually engaged for so long that we bought a house together and people thought we were married, so I think my story still counts :)...


... the setting is a time long long ago, in a galaxy far far away (the galaxy of Toronto, Canada), I met my "husband" completely by accident, he was a bank teller and cashed my paychecks every two weeks. After a few months we got to know each other on a first name basis and started to become really friendly.


One day I pulled up to the bank to desposit a check, and I saw him chatting with people on the side of the bank, and I noticed I could hear almost everything perfectly well... so I decided to be a very bad girl and listen to the conversation without his knowledge, and he just said all the right things without even knowing it:


"Husband": ... no, I dont want to go to McDonalds...

*** IMM's ears perk up curiously ***


"Husband": ... I dont eat hamburgers, I'm a vegetarian...

*** IMM scoots out of her seat to listen closer ***


"Husband": ... Its absolutely wrong ...

*** IMM's skin begins to flush red ***


"Husband": ... and I think it should count as murder ...

*** IMM unconsciously leans foward even more, almost falls out of the car ***


"Husband": ... and if you think about it, animals are really better than people...

*** ♥♥♥ IMM swoons! ♥♥♥ ***

So I caught up with him after his shift and decided to go on a date, which turned into 3 more dates, and then 5 more, and then forevermore... until we decided to "divorce" peacefully last year :)



So thats my story, share yours :) and if your story isnt beautiful, embellish something to make it beautiful :)

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cutting a long story short.


after spilling her drink over her in a nightclub (bought her a fresh one though), we chatted for about half an hour then I fell asleep on her shoulder (for over an hour).


[a bit of background info; I was always in bed for about 10pm and up and awake at about 5:30-6am.

so falling asleep at 11pm something was largely involuntary.]


after waking up and telling her how comfortable she felt, we had another drink, I put her fone number into Box (like a PDA), and wrote mine down on a beer mat/coaster.

got a taxi back home.


I called her next day (about Noon) she came to see me, sat chatting for a few hours over coffees, and then I said you`ve been here for ages now drinking all my coffee, Where`s my Kiss?


we kissed.


she moved in next day, and wevè never been appart since (except when I went to Russia for 2 weeks), 8 years married with a wonderfull 14 month old daughter, but we`ve lived together for over 9 years.


and I`de marry her again in a heartbeat! :)

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I met her in her dining room (her dining room was a long time ago in the same far, far away galaxy as IMM).


Her housemate was the gf of a guy that my friends and I gamed with every Wed night. We were playing at the dining room table, and I saw this girl reading a book, minding her own biz in the living room. So I started asking about her...


To make a long story short, one freezing January night, I arrived at the game to found all the windows and doors wide open and the three kids in snowsuits. My friend had started a fire in the fireplace and smoked the house out!


I offered to take her and her kid(s) to McDonalds while the house aired out. I opened my door and all these kids piled in - including a ten-year-old!!


Say I: "H-how ... how ... many of these are yours???"

She laughs and says "Oh, just the two youngest."


And the rest is eighteen years of blissful history.




P.S. When we married 14 years ago, we ALL got married. The kids stood up front with us, said vows and donned rings.

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Setting: Suzuka, Japan entering a car factory. Walking from the bus, the company music is playing, and many of the workers are doing their morning stretches.


I am walking and trying to talk to my Japanese shadow in "Japenglish". A cute girl appears behind me and starts talking to me in broken english. She is a second generation, Japanese-Brazilian. She translates to the Japanese shadow, then we talk alone.


She starts to tell me about her future plans. "I pretend to go to college, then I pretend to go to work as a computer scientist..." I figured out she meant intend, but it got me giggling. She got angry at me for laughing at her plans, but still agreed to have dinner with me.


We became good friends and found that we could talk about anything very easily. It was so strange that I could talk so easily with a girl in broken english, yet have a hard time saying anything to an American woman. We dated in Japan, walking to the nearby beach at night, visiting Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Very exotic - it was awesome!! I continued to annoy her, but she finally agreed to marry me. I am sure being an American helped in my attraction and her body helped in hers. But, we did agree on many things and could have peaceful disagreements.



15 years of marriage with two boys and we get along very well.

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We studied together at the same university, however I never had much interested in her (and vice versa). I was (am) somewhat nerdy with workoholic tendencies and As such I never really assumed that a woman would ever play a signifcant role in my life (except being born and raised by one that is).

However during nightly workshifts in the lab I found out that she was a workoholic, too. And also a nerdette (she knew all episodes from STNG from her memory, I could only counter with Monty Python), although she really did not look like one. We got interested in each other after some night sessions and have been together for over six years now.

We do not have kids and are unlikely to ever have some. We do share a number of papers, though. And rabbits.


Edit: forgot that it is 2006 already. Seven years together now...

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