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I've isolated some DNA in ethanol(70% Solution) from Split Pees is there a way to separate ß-2-Deoxy-D-ribose, Thymine, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, TMP, AMP, GMP, or CMP.


How are you sure you isolated DNA? Don't you have any other organic crap from the cells, other organic matter, etc. ? It seems quite difficult to me to isolate DNA.


Using such a simple procedure definitely gives you very impure DNA. It will be hard to separate the DNA from the other organic stuff.


why don't you use lab equipment to isolate DNA? This method you use is quite simple and doesn't yield a high percentage of pure DNA


I think that procedure probably gives reasonably clean nucleic acid- certainly if there were a lot of trash in it, it wouldn't be a stringy goo like DNA.

I think it's not too dificult to hydrlyse DNA to its constituents. Enzymatic hydrolysis would be neatest but I think a strong base would do.

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