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it was officialy announced today that Saddam Hussein has been captured alive, in a 6 to 8 foot deep hole in the ground, he had 2 AK-47`s a Pistol and $750,000 in $100 dollar notes. he`s been held by coalition forces at an undisclosed location, but WILL be tried in an Iraqi court :)


the official words were "We got him"


he`s been DNA tested possitive also :)


it`ll be on all day mate, maybe longer. Sky News is showing nothing else, I expect CNN and Fox will be doing the same too.

it IS great news tho :)






Iraq. RIGHT.


America will try him herself (not even send him to the Hague international court) and in a probably huge and very public trial, which, by the way, will end with his "oh so surprising" execution.


Mighty America.


Well done on the catch though, really impressive.


And YT -- The huge smiley face made me laugh so hard i need to take a paper bag so i won't hyper ventilate. It just.. looks.. so... appropriate.

hehe :-D





I think that if they did it'd be a bit of a farce. Although knowing the Bush administration I really wouldn't be surprised :)


do you really think they`ll execute him though?

I`m not so sure, it might make him a a martyr (and that would be catastophic!)

it`s hard to know what would be an appropriate punishment tho, if indeed there IS one?

Death seems to easy for me, sufferance seems a better option, but how, with all the "human Rights" laws etc...

no one yet has the balls to say "he gave up ALL his human rights as soon as he started killing innocents deliberately"


I`m at a loss for ideas re him, we`ll just have to sit back and watch, see what transpires over time.


It's not so much that no one has the balls, and more to do with the fact that the civilised view is "two wrongs don't make a right".


Depriving him of his conveniences and luxuries for the rest of his natural life is much more effective punishment than shooting him in the back of the head, or gassing him. And it will pretty much preclude anyone from declaring him a martyr.


Agh, it's AMERICA


No pun intended, my american friends but AMERICA never was afraid of whaetver the rest of the world would say, AMERICA seeked justice, freedom and perfect world-for-all-americans.

God bless america.


Yeah I believe he will be executed after a long and very dramatic trial, where America will presenf (btw, he deserves it) why he's such an evil evil man, and on the other side would stand a rightous lawyer STANDING for the rights of the defendant AS COMMANDED IN THE American CONSTITUTION and will try to show ways on why not killing, until aventually everyone will decide that killing might be bad as a punishment (hence, death sentence) but since that man is the DEVIL ENCARNATE (err.. spelling sorry) - then if ANYONE deserves that, it's him.


VOILA. america goes great in the world AND doing her own will.


The power of press in the hands of the greatest nation on the planet. Gotta love 'em.


I think he's more valuable alive. He probably has a lot of information in him about various stuff, so it's better to keep him alive. Plus as sayo says, it's a much better punishment.


I think he should be forced to stop shaving for the rest of his life as well, it'd be quite comical.


btw if he's alive, people just continue the debate and aventually start forgetting the DAMAGE he did and start talking about his jail conditions and how much he suffers YADDA YADDA YADDA


you just stop the debates and mess (or, have a VERY VERY short one) instead when you just eliminate the problem. And since the USA usually - and much more often recently - works a lot to help out her own political agendas and such - they would WANT to solve it quickly and "without doubt" that this deserved him.


The last thing bush wants is someone going all "He might be evil but we're better.. dn't treat him bad in jail.. bla bla" demonstrations in america.


Thats... possible, btw. We all know that.


I would HATE that lawyers job! I don`t think I can think of much I`de rather not do than defend someone like him, where could you even begin to start?


Any internationl war crimes tribunal would not be able to seek the death penalty, whereas trial by the US or by the coalition in Iraq including Iraqii members would almost certainly be able to seek it, which is a sentence I suspect would go over quite well with the Iraqii people.


I'd prefer him to be tried by a war crimes tribunal, because it seems to be the best way of getting him jailed forever. The last thing anyone wants to do is make that bloke a martyr.


I still think that they should make him grow that beard and see how long they can get it by the time he dies.


Unfortunately that wouldn't really go down all that well with all the civil rights groups that exist around the world, no matter what an absolute git he is.


30-odd years of Reel 2 Real lyrics is a more disturbingly horrific punishment, believe me. After the first week he'll be trying to chew his head off himself.

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