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What measures could a person take to reduce the risk of bacteria infection and the development of bacterial disease?


What happens after bacteria has gained entry?


Hygeine, protective clothing(s), many alcohols help combat bacteria and oxidising agents.

as for AFTER contamination, then you`re White blood cells should do all the work for you, a reasonable state of health is often adequate :)


P.s. i posted it on the wrong place. So this is under the correct topic. Sorry....



It is because my textbook has no related answers. And i could think a few from common sense. But i still think some are not right or "scientific" enough. Can i ask you guys something?


When you guys are in sch (if you are now too) probably during high school, whenever you do Hw, do you copy the answers from the txtbk? Cause, in singapore, most of the students here do. (well, maybe those in my school.) Because i ffel that it is not a really right thing to do alothough i got immune to it. :x Our tachers don't say anything about it anyway... so

i have really no idea. Cause copying from txtbk is like getting the perfect answer. EEEee....


Another problem, whenever exams come, when i do revision or study for the exams. i tend to memorise model answers. I don't know whether is this the right thing to do or not. Cause there is just too many information.Sorry this kiinda of off the topic. But, i just wanna know. WHat can i do? Is it normal????????


Huh? what are you guys talking about? i don't get it. :x


Oh. ok i got it now. You deleted my post in the Aerosol Can page

Ok. THanks :)


it coagulates the proteins in it, much in the same way heating does.

egg albumen goes white on heating, that`s the proteins being coagulated, the same happens with blood, hence Sushi or sashimi (raw fish) isn`t actualy raw, it`s cooked by the acids in lemon juice or ricewine etc :)


oxidising agents coagulated bacteria is it? Clumping them all together do that they can be easily ingested by phagocyctes?


well the term "oxidising agent" is more of a job description for things like disinfectants and so forth.

the majority work by coagulating the proteins in the bacterium.

as for what exactly happens in the body after infection is really someone like Gliders area, all I know is that white blood cells identify an invader and attack it.


Ya, so the question on wat oxidising agents does to have protect against bacteria infection.

I still need the answer.


Thanks :)

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