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Dog bite


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Hi guys


As you've already figured out (probably), everything happens to me.


So. I was bitten by my roomate's dog. It really is nothing serious, two tiny specs on my nose, not bleeding anymore (didn't even hurt, to be honest). I washed it with water and sope twice, thoroughly, and then put some ice (to make sure nothing gets swallen, cleaned it again with pure alcohol (ouch) - twice - and then covered it with antibiotic bandage.


It's tiny. Really.


My question is this, though: The dog is fully vaccinated (he came to America a week ago, and as the procedure requires, he is probably more vaccinated than any other purely-american dog), I've seen the documents, and I know the girls who raise him. He just got angry at me (for some reason, I dont know why, I'm so nice really ;) )


I don't want the dog to be taken to quarantine, since it's probably going to be utterly for the bad of the dog (quarantine really sucks, specifically here), and will not be needed. The dog's vaccinated and was vaccinated quite recently.


He shows no signs of either illness or potential desease and is VERY clean (the girls who raise him take very very good care of him). No fleas, no bugs no nothing.



I heard that other than raibes, I should "worry" about tetanus. I got the shot about 6 years ago, and got good signs of the vaccine in my blood (I actually had to check my "titer test" results a few weeks ago for college).


The wounds already start healing, they don't hurt, they haven't gotten swallen, they're "good color" (not reddish).


Should I worry about anything? I will state again that I DON'T WANT the dog to be taken away.... What should I "watch out of"? What should I notice?


I read somewhere that I should make sure if the wounds heal, because most infections prevent good healing. If I - within two or three days - see that the wounds have healed - can I conclude that everything is a-okay or should I worry about other things?


I'd love a quick response,


Thanks, and.. well.. I have two specs on my nose now. Lucky I wear glasses usually :P



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I have two dogs and one cat, all three of them give me fleshwounds on a more or less regular basis, both from jaws and claws, sometimes (maybe to often) we get carried away with the fun and it gets "little" violent.


If the wound is small and looks good then there is nothing to worry about.


However if the skin around the wound turns dark/blue, normally the day after, you need medical care

-> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepsis


Has never happend to me but I have seen it on a friend after a very nasty cat bite in the arm.

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What YT2095 said ;)


You'd have to be extremely unlucky to get something serious out of that, especially if you got a tetanus shot. I grew up with about a dozen dogs, many of them ex-strays with slightly aggressive tendencies in presence of food. I only feel like chasing mailmen every now and then.

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  • 3 months later...

Tetanus shots are usually given for animal bites, as they are usually puncture wounds. The C. tetani bacterium is anaerobic and puncture wounds are a perfect method of infection. However, it doesn't usually survive exposed to air in shallow scratches.


Keep an eye on it, but you should be ok. It could have been worse. It could have been a human bite and they are the worst. They always go septic.

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