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just announced


===sample exerpt===

September 25, 2006


For immediate release




Fermilab's CDF scientists make it official: They have discovered the quick-change behavior of the B-sub-s meson, which switches between matter and antimatter 3 trillion times a second.



BATAVIA, Illinois - Scientists of the CDF collaboration at the Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced today (September 25, 2006) that they have met the exacting standard to claim discovery of astonishingly rapid transitions between matter and antimatter: 3 trillion oscillations per second.



The CDF discovery of the oscillation rate, marking the final chapter in a 20-year search, is immediately significant for two major reasons: reinforcing the validity of the Standard Model, which governs physicists' understanding of the fundamental particles and forces; and narrowing down the possible forms of supersymmetry...




When I first read this, the first thing that sprung to mind was QED, surely these findings will help quantify transient aspects of the electromagnetic force...maybe, I'm just going from first observations.


Der...misread the article. sorry. I was thinking of electron-positron pairs for some reason, and the fact mesons was in the title makes it a double der. :embarass:

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