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Sam Harris' "Letter to a Christian Nation" is #3 in all books

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I just noticed this book is number three bestseller (all types of books) at US amazon.




1. State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III

by Bob Woodward



2. a self-help book


3. Letter to a Christian Nation

by Sam Harris



4. a diet book


5. a success book



... (and so on)


It is probably significant what kind of book this Sam Harris is. Has anyone read it?

I think it matters that it is selling a huge number of copies.

excuse my being so quantitative:-)

I'll get some review comment to help characterize the book


Hi Pangloss,

I didnt see your post when I wrote mine.

Probably we could have a thread in politics about the Woodward book, but it is out of my ken.

I spend so much time on physics and getting bleary-eyed over technical papers that I am way uninformed. but others might like to discuss it.


I am scared by the huge cultural divide (or it seems huge to me) and about lack of a sense of national unity leading to ability to address basic questions (immigration, education, debt,....long list)


Cant think about this now. sleepy.

this Sam Harris book turns out not exactly what I thought from the title. It got some good comments though.

Here is some comment by Sir Roger Penrose and from Leonard Susskind (a prominent senior physicist---one of the founders of string theory---someone I disagree with strongly on some science issues) and others



“Sam Harris’s elegant little book is most refreshing and a wonderful source of ammunition for those who, like me, hold to no religious doctrine. Yet I have some sympathy also with those who might be worried by his uncompromising stance. Read it and form your own view, but do not ignore its message.”

–Sir Roger Penrose, emeritus professor of mathematics, Oxford University,

author of The Road to Reality


“Reading Harris’ Letter to a Christian Nation was like sitting ring side, cheering the champion, yelling ‘Yes!’ at every jab. For those of us who feel depressed by this country’s ever increasing unification of church and state, and the ever decreasing support for the sciences that deliver knowledge and reduce ignorance, this little book is a welcome hit of adrenalin.”

–Marc Hauser, Harvard College Professor, author of Moral Minds: How Nature Designed Our Sense of Right and Wrong


“I can’t sign my name to this blurb. As a New York Times best selling author of books about business, my career will evaporate if I endorse a book that challenges the deeply held superstitions and bigotry of the masses. That’s exactly why you should (no, you must) read this angry and honest book right away. As long as science and rational thought are under attack by the misguided yet pious majority, our nation is in jeopardy. I’m scared. You should be too. Please buy two, one for you and one for a friend you care about.”

–Unsigned, New York Times best selling author


It’s a shame that not everyone in this country will read Sam Harris’ marvelous little book Letter to a Christian Nation. They won’t but they should.”

–Leonard Susskind, Felix Bloch Professor in theoretical physics, Stanford University, author of The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design



I thought from the title that the book would take a conciliatory tone---try to bridge the cultural gap that divides the US (between secular humanist and conservative Christian, or however you like to describe it)


So far the most conciliatory bridge-building book that is selling well in today's market seems to be the one by E.O. Wilson

"The Creation: and Appeal to Save Life on Earth"


Wilson was raised Southern Baptist and is a famous biologist (sociobiology, how social structures and behavior evolved in various species, entomology).

He addresses the book to a Southern Baptist pastor. it is an appeal to join forces to accomplish something. that book also just came out this month.



in any case conciliatory or not, Sam Harris book is clearly selling well: #3 overall amazon rank means massive sales

  bascule said:


I'm quite excited about Sam Harris's new book, and even more excited to see him when he comes to speak here.


If you haven't already seen it you should check out this video:




Posted it to P&R a couple months ago.


thanks for the link! I will take a look.

BTW congratulations on getting a house in Boulder. I really like that town. you couldn't do much better as a place.


I have to admit that I didn't read very thoroughly in the energetic former P&R and also am a quick forgetter, so I missed learning about Sam Harris from your threads. What is his scientific background, if any? I was impressed that he got Roger Penrose and Leonard Susskind to blurb for him. Harris is a complete unknown to me.


well I should check the video, that will probably answer a lot of questions.


that is a remarkable video


I'm glad I watched it. I will google Harris to find out a little more about him.


duh! there is a goodsized wikipedia article



That was an excellent video, Martin, thanks for linking it. It's certainly given me a good bit to think on.



  Mokele said:
That was an excellent video, Martin, thanks for linking it. It's certainly given me a good bit to think on.




bascule's pointer actually. yes! points out the weaknesses of a certain kind of PC "moderate" position----to be tolerant and uphold rationality does not necessarily mean to be 'moderate' in the conventional sense, according to Harris. really interesting video.

  Martin said:
bascule's pointer actually. yes! points out the weaknesses of a certain kind of PC "moderate" position----to be tolerant and uphold rationality does not necessarily mean to be 'moderate' in the conventional sense, according to Harris. really interesting video.


Yep, Harris's point is that unevidenced beliefs and superstitions need to be challenged, and that doing so is both moral and necessary, but such "intolerance" must not be allowed to escalate from there and only be kept at a conversational level.


Just noticed Sam Harris's book is up to #2 on Amazon


  Martin said:
BTW congratulations on getting a house in Boulder. I really like that town. you couldn't do much better as a place.


Thanks. Boulder is one of the most beautiful places in the entire world, and also one of the most socially progressive. It really feels like it's off in its own little universe...


I enjoyed "The End of Faith" and will read more of Harris. I never viewed moderation as being a cover for extremism, it is a valid argument. I understand his demand for evidence in civil discourse, but can people not have a hunch or feeling? If I am proud of my country or heritage, do I need evidence to support it or am I culpable in any wrongdoing my country does?


He does have a good argument that supporting a book with intolerant views leaves a chance that those views can arise with devastating results in the hands of fundamentalists. On the other hand, terrible views can arise from anywhere, so not having any book can be equally dangerous. I am not convinced by his arguments, but I will read on.


Hi Quiceno,

I see that the Sam Harris book is still doing very well in sales! It is still pretty high in the all-categories bestseller list----the #5.


Bob Woodward's STATE OF DENIAL is still #1----as of Thursday 5 October 7AM pacific, the list goes:



1. State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III

by Bob Woodward


2. a spiritual awakening book about immortality and re-incarnation


3. a novel


4. a children's book


5. Letter to a Christian Nation

by Sam Harris




... (and so on)


for comparison, here is how it was a week ago----29 September----when I first noticed. Since so many SFN folks are interested in what Harris has to say (Bascule, Mokele, John, you) I'm glad the book is continuing to sell well!


  Martin said:
I just noticed this book is number three bestseller (all types of books) at US amazon.




1. State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III

by Bob Woodward



2. a self-help book


3. Letter to a Christian Nation

by Sam Harris



4. a diet book


5. a success book



... (and so on)



I just ordered "Letter to a Christian Nation" from Amazon.com. It looks very interesting. Thanks for telling me about it.

  herme3 said:
I just ordered "Letter to a Christian Nation" from Amazon.com. It looks very interesting. Thanks for telling me about it.


glad you got it! Bascule is informed about Harris books---and it was he who supplied the link to that Harris video.

It is a possible "SFN Bookclub" sort of book---that several folks here may have read and want to discuss. When you have read it, give it a try and start a thread if no one else has done already. :)


(or maybe by that time there will be a new "theoforums" and you can see if anybody there has read the book)


I got it last weekend when I was on liberty. From what I saw onThe God Who Wasn't There, I expected It to be a long rant. It was actually a lot calmer than I expected and well composed. He made some good arguments as well. I didn't think I'd like it from what I saw on TGWWT, but now I might even get The End of Faith.


I just received the book in the mail today, and I've read about half of it. It seems to be very well written. While this book will probably be very interesting to Atheists, I think it would be even more important to encourage Christians to read this book. It is written directly to them, and it promotes the rational way of thinking that Atheists and Agnostic people already believe in.


After reading some of this book, I've decided to order "The End of Faith". I also ordered "The GOD Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. Is anybody familiar with either of these other books?

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