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Do you know, literally speaking, we are still living in the Stone Age? We still communicate in Morse code. We still use steam piston for most of the power (at least most).


Guess how and if you don’t get it then highlight the text below:




Stone Age: All electronics and IC's are made up of SiO2. That’s stone and sand! :)


Morse code: We still communicate and store our data in off's and on's (0's and 1's) as we did with the Morse code! :)


Steam Engine: Every possible way for generating power uses the steam engine phenomenon. Even in nuclear plants, water is heated and used to rotate large turbines! :)



I came to think of this because of an article in IEEE June 2006 Spectrum magazine on semiconductors. At the end of a paragraph it was there. “...all from rocks”.


Imagine, technology is all on earth, just the way we bring it out is what matters. In a good way or a bad way, depends on us how we use the Wisdom!


Tell me why do you think we have advanced so much and still have world problems? How far till we move on to other planets? And lastly, how long will we survive?




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I correctly guessed the power/morse code, although it was from that I concluded that we're in the Stone Age, whereas you had a seperate explanation. Very nice though.


Of course, none of that is technically true...


The stone age is defined by being limited to found materials, which we're certainly not.


Binary isn't Morse code, it just has in common the "on-off" aspect. And we're not "still" using it, we went through analog communication for a long time before moving into digital.


Many forms of power generation use hot steam to turn turbines, but many don't, like hydroelectric dams or wind farms.


wow, yea thats well put :)


I was just thinking how, cumilatively, in about a billion years of earth's existence we have made such amazing progress in just two thousand years!


Using the stone age term wasnt a good match, I just didnt know how to show my amazement :)



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