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Now, I'm all for deflating pseudoscience, but I think this guy's assumptions are seriously flawed. He assumes that every time a vampire feeds, a new vampire is created. However, many versions of the story have it that most of the time vampires simply kill their victims, and only rarely create another vampire. Also, it's assumed that all vampires survive and regularly feed until there's literally no food left. I see no reason to assume this, since a)vampires might not actually need to feed at all, and b)if vampires, why not vampire hunters, thinning the herd?


As for ghosts, the main assumption is that they move they way they do out of physical necessity. However, if a ghost is truly incorporeal and is some residual effect of a mind, its image might well move like that person moved in life, and it's a very basic intuition that the ground is to be walked upon, more basic than walls being impenetrable.


In conclusion, this is flawed in addition to being utterly silly, and I would kill to get tenure at Central Florida University.


Some versions have it, that in order to turn a mortal, that first a vampire drinks some blood of it's victim, and then the victim drinks some of the vampire blood (sometimes by force). That's how it works in Buffy, anyway.


Ha! the ottawa citizen.


Why is that guy applying the laws of physics to the non-physical entities such as ghosts?


Regardless, someone has too much time on their hands.

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