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I normally dont talk politics on this board, but I felt obliged to. The GOP have a wonderful new tactic this year, making automated calls that claim to from a Democrat. They repeat these calls over and over and over again, in the hope that the voter in question will get so pissed off at these "democrat" calls that they wont vote democrat. Awesome. These are just two links I came across, but news of this seems to be spreading, I'm sure you could find more info on it easily on various political blogs or a google search. This sort of crook tactic just makes me sick.


I don't know if it's cheating really. The article mentions that the call starts off with "...important information about Lois Murphy" or similar. This would be no different than a TV ad starting with important information about Lois Murphy - a mudslinging commerical.


I'm sure they worded it that way so if you hang up early, then you think the call is on behalf of Lois Murphy. But if you stay on the line, you'll then hear the dirt on Lois Murphy. Either way, they win.


But believe me, there is no one sided political tactic. The demorats and republicans both have friends in low places doing their dirty work.


Send a message to them and vote independent - like Libertarian.



Send a message to them and vote independent - like Libertarian.


I wonder about this, the wisdom of voting for a third party. If the Republicans and the Democrats think you have your own party, and furthermore make up the base of that party, they're not going to bother courting your vote at all. If, however, you make it clear that your vote is up for grabs, that you'll vote for whichever party more closely represents your views, then all of the sudden it becomes worthwhile for the major parties to listen to you, because being the more libertarian party could actually win them an election.


Just food for thought...


Also, there's no way Democrats use as many dirty tricks as Republicans. Not inherently so, by any means, but just because of the current leadership. See the 2000 Bush v. McCain primary for the ascendancy of this sort of thing.

I wonder about this, the wisdom of voting for a third party. If the Republicans and the Democrats think you have your own party, and furthermore make up the base of that party, they're not going to bother courting your vote at all. If, however, you make it clear that your vote is up for grabs, that you'll vote for whichever party more closely represents your views, then all of the sudden it becomes worthwhile for the major parties to listen to you, because being the more libertarian party could actually win them an election.


Just food for thought...



Actually I completely agree with what you're saying. It's the swing voters they're concerned about. The thing is though, if I vote democrat, then the republicans will just think they didn't do enough smear campaigning. And vice versa. If I don't vote for either one, then neither of them notices or cares.


But if I could get the whole country to go Independent, one form or other - then we might get a message across to them.


Then the independents will hopefully dismantle most of the messes created by the two parties, so when they straighten up they'll have a clean slate to start with.


But if I could get the whole country to go Independent, one form or other - then we might get a message across to them.

HA...good luck with that one.


Also, there's no way Democrats use as many dirty tricks as Republicans. Not inherently so, by any means, but just because of the current leadership. See the 2000 Bush v. McCain primary for the ascendancy of this sort of thing.


I'm guessing your a democrat then.


I'm guessing your a democrat then.


Nope, just an independent with an intense dislike for Karl Rove. I'm basically, to use bascule's phrase, a "liberaltarian."


Thats pretty low, if they are so great, why do they need to get people to not vote democrat by pissing them off with repeated phonecalls.


I like it. The more screwed up and broken the system is, the easier it will be for me to seize control with my army of giant robot lizards and become Supreme Dictator.

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