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doesn't the climate genrally fluctuate anyway? i know we're speeding it up, but hey its gotta happen again sometime :)



We've had many years of mild winters, followed by many dry summers (not always hot) In england if we are lucky enough to have a good hot summer (and hey thats what a summer is suppose to be) then suddently its blamed on so called global warming......personaly, I have always had doubts about the so called effects of GW.........

just an abnormally warm summer. global warming is extremely likely to cool us here in the UK since the gulf stream would cease flowing.


Interesting, so the summers could get cooler - well there you go I believed the opposite...that we would [warm] up.......


well, the gulf stream is the reason we have such mild winters since it bathes in (relatively) warm water. if that stops then the temperatures in winter will plummet by a good 7*C


Should the Atlantic conveyor stop, we would be in the crap. If you look at a globe, the UK is on the same latitude as bloody Newfoundland and Labrador, which is not known for it's balmy seasons full of mists and mellow fruitfulness.



Saying "New measurements have failed to show clear evidence that the [Gulf Stream] current is weakening" is not the same as saying it won't switch off. In fact, if it were to switch off, I would expect it to be very sudden.


I think we need to be very careful how the media reports and (most importantly) interprets scientific reports. Global warming is a problem that would be very dangerous to ignore.


Sorry. I forgot it was subscribers-only, so you missed the best bits:

Though global warming will slow ocean circulation, beyond a certain point it does not get worse, Jungclaus says. His conclusion is echoed by a team led by Thierry Fichefet at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Belgium, who found that additional freshwater would have very little extra effect on the circulation.

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