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What other Forums are you on?


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PhysicsForum (kooks are banned) and sciforums.com (kooks-a-plenty).


BTW, what is it with the kooks coming out of the woodwork lately? :eek: SFN is being inundated with "my theory of the X" posts.


It's enough to make those of the conspiracy-nut mindset think the Democrats added something to the water to enable a win last Tuesday. :)

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Aside from this one, I frequent http://forum.worldwindcentral.com/. This forum is for a NASA program named World Wind. Think Google Earth but with a scientific purpose, far more imagery, far more add-ons (well over 200, and all but three are free), and more than just Earth. Currently it has the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and imagery from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey included in the installer. Also the World Wind forums actually has more members than this one.

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My forums:


http://www.scienceforums.net obviously


http://www.chronicles-network.com for science fiction and fantasy


the physics forums, though I'm not there as often as here.


and http://www.psychforums.com for talking to other people with PDD's, Bi-Polar and Autism.


Gaming Sites:


Gamespot.com for talking about games (Not really a forum but you can rate games).


http://www.galciv2.com for one of my favorite computer games


http://www.mapleglobal.com for the free RPG.


http://www.chessclub.com and games.yahoo.com for playing chess :P

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I'm a moderator at Physics Forums. I also post at sciforums. Only I don't visit there in that "ooh let's see what new and interesting things those chaps are discussing" sort of way, but rather in that "let's satisfy my morbid curiosity" sort of way.

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I mostly participate in webmaster/website publishing related forums, with SFN being one of the few science forums I have found that I actually like.


The main website publishing related forums I participate in include:

http://www.websitepublisher.net/forums/ (Small but VERY GOOD)

http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/ (Big but pretty good)

http://www.webmasterworld.com/ (To big and overinflated self opinion)

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