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knee survey

Guest soothsayer

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Guest soothsayer

sorry, i'm a long time lurker here, here's my situation. I am taking an OSHA class as part of a work-study program at Empire state college. Part of this class has to deal with writing a large research paper with an occupational health focus.


Based on anecdotal evidence (talking with various ppl who work in the electrical industry) many electricians seem to suffer knee and joint problems. Because of this, I've decided to analyze and write about knee pain among electricians.


I am corrolating bureau of labor studies occupational health data alogn with personal interviews, local polling among electricians, and additional statistics obtained locally. What I am missing is are control groups and baselines. btw, I have a BS in molecular genetics.


if you guys can, would you mind answering a quick 10 question survey on knee pain. it is completely anonymous, i'm will use the data as part of a control group of stats. Yes, one may question the data being from an anonymous survey, but i'm hopign the SD will be low, responses high, that the results are valid.


anyway, thanks for your help


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