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Basil Gold - fine points from a fine gentleman

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http://youtube.com/watch?v=Bzt3HTPOCrs have fun. i sure did.


some random quotes:


"This is science, this is scientific, we know that"

"A car requires 9 liquids to run: gas, brake fluid, motor oil, water, air"

"And so i realized people were dying around me, and surgeries and cutting out 8 inches of the cole-on"

"And the transpa...transplants" (He's right, i know when i needed a heart transplant i said no way, Coral calcium please!)

"When you look at the pesticides, the herbacides, the genocides"

"Understand, that nutritional books, mostly are selling a particular product. I sell no product..... You need to buy my book"

"Your body needs 9 things to function everyday, and in my book i can show you these things" Shit! i've spent 6 years in college to find out theres only 9 things i needed to know.


also, i dont know what is more convincing of a proposition, the home video style infomercial, or the various fruits and vegetables adorning the picnic table with the lawn ornament behind him. He's got my vote


lol 'bottled water has no conductivity' i should bloody hope its got little. the more conductivity the more crap thats dissolved in it.


'anything ending in -ate, stay away from it' hmm what about all the clacium phosphate i have in me? must be a good few kilograms. if its really that bad why aren't i dead? and didn't he say e needed carbohydrATEs? oh noes i be confused.


omg how can this guy be such a ... i can't even think of a word to describe it.

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