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Theory of the star

The Abstract:

In that work is given extended formal of the equation of Bor for hydrogen atom, which allows to enter the energy level of the positron in field of the neutron with orbit less minimum classical radius.

Strictly proton, in this understanding ,is there minimum energy level of the positron in neutron.

When turning the positron with nearby orbits less classical with smaller radius on orbit with big radius occurs the radiation of the neutron and antiparticles. On the last internal îðáèòå we have get fool mass of the system to equal mass of the proton. When turning on external orbit occurs the radiation and absorption of the quantum on law of Bor for atom of the hydrogen.

Thereby star is interpreted as giperactiv neutron(or group of such particles), which radiates continuously neutrons and antiparticles. In turn, the neutrons disintegrate on protons, electrons and íåéòðèíî.

The protons and electrons form the external shell of the star, in which to account chosen when turning the surplus energy is supported thermonuclear reaction of the syntheses as toward energy profitable kernel up to ferric so and hereinafter before energy unbeneficial including and òðàíñóðàíîâûå kernel.

Direct checked by conclusion stated below theories is a calculation of the mass of the proton through mass of the neutron:

Mp=Mn (1-q2/2hce)=1.6747 10-24(1-1/(137.04 2 2.7182))


Mp=1.6725 10-24g.


Mp - a mass of the proton

Mn - a mass of the neutron

q- charge of the electron

c- velocity of the light

h- constant Plank

e- base natural logarithm



Okay he's saying that a proton is a neutron with a positron orbiting it at a minimal energy level.

And that when this positron is excited and falls back to it's minimal energy level radiation of Nuetrons and anti-neutrons is ommited.

These neutrons dissintigrate to give you a proton an electron and a íåéòðèíî (whatever the hell that is).


Now hes saying that this is what a star is, and the protons and electrons that are made form a shell around this neutron positron kernel (which may consist of one or many neutron positron pairs).


And this thermonuclear reaction continues till the components result in the formation of a significant amount of iron at which point it slowly stops.


He then "proves" this with an equation relating the mass of a proton to a neutron.... (some modification on bhors equation for the calcualtion of energy levels for the hydrogen atom)


I've been doing alot of marking recently so have gotten well at interpretting gibberish.


They really pump alot of peseudo science out of Russia don't they?

They really pump alot of peseudo science out of Russia don't they?


There are apparently a lot of giperactiv people over there.

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