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Balancing an Equation Using the Half- Reaction Method

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I need some help balancing the equation:

C2O4 2-(aq) + MnO4 -(aq) --> Co2 (g) + MnO2(s) in a basic solution. I am not getting it right so i need some help determining it. I can do the reduction half- reaction , but not the oxidation half-reaction.




In a basic solution, you won't have CO2(g), you'll get carbonate ion instead.


The two half reactions are:


C2O4(2-) + 4OH(-) ---> 2CO3(2-) + H2O + 2e

MnO4(-) + 2H2O + 3e ---> MnO2 + 4OH(-)


With this you should be able to write down the total ionic equation for this redox reaction.

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