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The Universe, Never ending, Never Starting


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The universe


Black holes create a hole into the outsides of the universe, where there is either unlimited, or limited energy. Once it goes into it, it turns into dark energy. After turning it into dark energy, it goes into the universe by a worm hole. Worm holes then would release dark energy into space. It is impossible to go into a worm hole, it can only throw energy out, while black holes can only throw energy in. While this happens, the universe never ends, only gets bigger, because black holes can only take in so much before collapsing. Worm holes can come anytime for a certain amount of time. At that time a certain amount of dark energy could be expelled. Basically recycling the universe. But black holes can only do so much, so after a point it stops. At that point the universe collects more than it expels, thus making it grow. This would mean that the universe would never grow. If energy were limited, then it would stop the universe from growing any bigger, and then stop there, never getting bigger or smaller since it is recycled. So after the energy from outside is gone if limited, then the universe would expand or collapse to a certain size, depending on the black holes and worm holes that are out in the universe. From dark energy, it would later be converted to something in the universe, such as Molecular cloud which creates sun, which makes elements, which then dies later creating a black hole and the whole process starts over.


Instead of energy could the universe be multiple instead? Creating more and more universe in ours, but not in matter, something we cannot see. Such as, if we went back in time to do the same thing we did before, it would be different. The choices could be unlimited, never ending due to multiple universes in our universe, maybe a multiverse




Tell me what you think lol

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The universe


. It is impossible to go into a worm hole, it can only throw energy out, while black holes can only throw energy in. While this happens, the universe never ends, only gets bigger, because black holes can only take in so much before collapsing.

So you see a maximum possible black hole size? I guess there ought to be some such, like the universe anyway. I like the thought that time is reversed inside the horizon in the Schwarzschild solution, so maybe time ultimately goes, plus and minus, nowhere at all.
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since Big Bang became the accepted view in science, the creation of the universe has become very complicated to explain. variations in this theory from its concepts have invited such view and each new discovery or documentary just adds additional exotic meaning. Dark holes, if they exist are as defined, the tail end of a stars life. like the body when we die, it doesn't just turn to dust or cease to be something. in reality BH may not even be old stars but some entity that gives a stability means, even circulation to spiral galaxy.


on the other hand what you suggest may actually be, we have no way of knowing or likely will we ever. best i can guess you diagrams are a couple trillion light years through the center and its very hard to understand any force or attraction that could be effective over a million or so light years. then the size would be substantially larger and time requirements for effect near infinity. even our accepted speed on light energy only travels 186 mps and would take those trillions of years to effect...

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