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best way to remove fat from the belly and keep it out

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Eat less, but don't crash on your diet. Lower your caloric intake gradually by about 250 calories per day every week to keep your metabolism stable. You will only be able to force yourself to subsist on a certain limited amount of calories, but you won't know exactly where that point is till you get there and see results. That's why recordkeeping is important. Obviously, you have to eat right. Complex carbs mostly in the morning and lunch and slow-digesting greens and essential fatty acids at night, no sugars or fried foods. Know that everytime you eat something sugary, your body won't burn fat for a short time after, ie. no sugary drinks while you work out. You can use a resource like fitday.com to map out your diet everyday and see where you're at.


Basically, diet manipulation is the biggest factor.

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Jiggle ur legs while sitting at the computer - and lay off the beers and maccas lol :P


Personally I have never been able to gain a "6 pack" (except of beer). I have been down to 63 kg and up to 75kg, I appeared the most fat somewhere in between, since at 75 I was full muscle doing kickboxing, but never had a 6 pack, although I did have extremely powerful abs, just underneath.


I'm afraid alot of it just comes down to ur genetics, perhaps ur predisposed to carry ur fat on ur abdomen, and unless u go on some super extreme diet and get close to 0% body fat u'll never lose it. I'd be more worried about the fat behind ur abs around ur liver.

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