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War between Physicists and Chemists!


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Guest Fairbank

So, could a rail gun be made with train tracks? If so, could we use, I dunno say a train for the projectile? They just made that 300mph train in Japan, if my theories are correct, we could make that go one hell of a lot faster, one hell of a lot cheaper

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cap`n` they weren`t deffective, just under rated for the duty cycle required of them.

as for the monitors, I sincerely doubt it :)

not all 3, and 2 blown within seconds of power-up :)


Fairbank, erm, no dude, it doesn`t QUITE work like that man :)

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Raymond A. Serway said in Physics for Scientists and Engineers :

Physics, the most fundamental physical science, is conerned with the basic principles of the Universe. It is the foundation upon which the other sciences -- astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geolog -- are based. The beauty of physics lies in the simplicity of the fundamental physical theories and in the manner in which just a small number of fundamental concepts, eq'ns, and assumptions can alter and expand our viwe of the world around us.


It goes on to discuss branches within Physics.


My Philosophy Professor made a good point about Physics, Chem, and Bio as well.


He said/asked: Can anything chemical not be physical? Can anything physical not be chemical?

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Dudde said in post # :

it doesn't matter what kind of science it uses, as long as it electrocutes all of you dirty physicists


besides, who said you could use those atoms to construct yourself and your puny railgun :P


Ever heard of atomic physics?


Using poison gas I'd say was a chemistry type weapon. Using a potential gradient to set up a current flow which uses either the resistance of the body to transfer a fatal amount of energy, or stops the heart pumping through signal disruption, I'd say would have to be a physical weapon.


at YT2095:


Would you vote for me for president if I said I'd win the war by making all my opponents disappear through magic? Or just if I said 'lol chemists are great :D:D:D:D'

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Guest Fairbank

Oh god, please dont let Dudde be president, the mass panic would engulf us all in a nationwide frenzy, we would all be trampled (can I be your running mate?)

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