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Earth makes noise ?


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well, sound required a medium to travel in (IE, air) Since there's no air in space, it's not like you could hear any noise made by the earth even if it's motion caused some sort of vibration that would be audible by the ear.

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"Earth makes noise ?"


you didn`t know this?

dude, the entire COSMOS makes noise, do a little VLF and ELF monitoring, it`s great :)


this is not my understanding. all matter does create energy of sorts, this easily monitored by instrument or at least to a degree. sound though energy requires a mean to travel. as told to me clap your hands in space, the energy remains in your hand with no mean to travel, your hand will warm. sounds also cease or do not leave a source as most all other energy does. the suns noise alone would drive us crazy, if sound traveled. likewise sound is diluted with distance, absorbed if you like by the very means it travels. this is true of energy hitting our atmosphere as well.


to the post; we on earth actually travel in rotation at about 1k mph and around the sun at about 72k mph. if sound could be heard, it could never catch up to these speeds. just a thought...

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