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my spectrum theory of the universe, (i kno its crazy)

Skai liquid

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ok, i just like to write anything that comes to mind, so here is part of somthing i was making for a story i never finished, it was ispierd by almost everything i can remember, but this part was inspierd only on a documentary on string theory i saw on nova



The Spectrum model- the model of the higher dimensional universe based on the bible an string theory, allowing for at least 10 dimensions, 3 spatial dimensions of earth, 3 of heaven, and 3 of hell, (3+3+3=9) +1 of time= 10, this is assuming that all 3 universes exist on the same time line, but according to M-theory, there should be 11 dimensions, and the bible does state that God's time is on a different scale, something like 1,000 earth years is = to 1 Heaven day, so maybe our time space has its own time dimension, then making a total of 11 dimensions (and also possibly 1 Hell day since similar beings inhabit both time-spaces, have similar degrees of movement, and appear to be ruled by the same laws of physics, thus [Heaven and Hell] must exist on the same timeline, and possibly the same brane), the Spectrum aspect is also assuming that the x number of branes exist next to each other, as a spectrum, Heaven on one end, our universe in the middle, and Hell on the other end, also making it possible that a collision in the past of the heaven and hell branes may have caused the big bang, thus "let there be light", the only thing i ask my self is, why would God create this universe in the first place?, was is just for fun, like playing the ultimate version of The Sims (id do it if i where a god), or is there a much bigger thing going on out there and required us to be created, one thing iv learned is that everything happens for a reason, and im sure were about to find out before the end of this decade.


heres the rest of it:



these are some other ideas from Zero Heaven, but these will change in time


zero heaven terms


Encephalon emulator - technology developed by Septima to fight against the Eklan, a device that emulates or converts thought in to physical form using an advanced form of a particle accelerator called Weaver Engine


Septima - formaly known as Warthech, founded in 1999, it was a government R&D division in weapons technology, when in 2006 one of the scientist was put it command, he formed a rebellion against the US government and created an organization to try and overpower every nation, with a vast arsenal of advanced weapons that were no longer under the control of the US army he conquered 7 of the greatest nations, almost half of the planet was in domain of the newly formed Septima by the year 2015


Weaver Engine-


Shadow universe -


NeVatron - 3cm version of the TeVatron, an underground particle accelerator 3 Km in diameter


DNAOS-Deoxyribonucleic Acid Operating System


Normality Paramater-


String theory-


NCTM commity-Nequitia Conservatio Termino Mora (Evil Conservation for End Delay)


Degrees of freedom-

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It’s nice to think of some big things, but don’t think it’s all writing in the bible, but it’s a basic guideline to keep us walking in a stable route, in a way. The bible is here for all the average persons, just to keep them from killing each other and stealing stuff. And praying can do now harm, but if god doesn’t exist then that might be all a new show, but we are not of that and will newer be, it’s just something above our heads, but you cannot loss anything from praying, I’ve newer read the bible but I pray enough

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What is a bundle of energy without geometry.....


is it a string? what really is a string? The strings we know that we can hold in our hand are made of mass and energy.


I know they say it creates some accurate measurements.. but I am just skeptical that when you apply a geometry to ANYTHING you can find it creating accuracy. Or you can apply any kind of geometry to create some accurate results.


Take a ball (sphere) for example. You can apply all kinds of geometry to it.


Geomertry: Cone, helicoil, sphere, flat, cylender, toroid, Differential geometry, Topology and geometry, Axiomatic and open development.



Anyway, I was working with a concept to transform angular momentum (circular) physics into square physics.


I was postulate this is posible on one principle.


The Energy it takes to turn a mass (of m) moving with a velocity (of v) 90 degrees is exactly equal to the energy required to stop the object.


So by turning an object 90 degrees, Such as dropping a ball down a pipe with a quick turn at the bottom, a force is generated by the ball when it hits the bottom. But if we exclude friction we can say as long as the pipe does not move (distance) the energy of the ball will remain conserved relative to the frame of the pipe.


So this means that all energy is relative to a square of its velocity. Let me further this postulate.


A direct colision is also a "Square collision". Square on.


That is, at perpendicular or 'right' angles.


And I attemped to display a diagram of this.


Could this geometry create accurate results? I prepose yes it could in some areas...


And with a string, I am sure I could work out some incredible complex equation to explain the same event. I dont know for sure, its just my interpratation.


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